Saturday, February 1, 2025

Grazie, Forno Mauri!

Need an escape? Want to transport yourself to Italy? Or pretend to? I've got an idea. Pay a visit the new hot spot pizzeria in Printer's Row, Forno Mauri! I promise you that it's less expensive than a flight to Italy. 

I know I know - we've got a lot of pizza in Chicago, and definitely in the Sloop. But, hear me out. Newly opened in December 2024, Forno Mauri does it right, almost just like you're in Italy.

We can thank Maurizio Michi for the thin crusted deliciousness. Michi is also the owner of Sofi Italian, which happens to be right next door. The ingredients used in both restaurants are imported straight from Italia, and give a sense of flavor that you don't find just anywhere. Of the three pizzas I tried at Forno Mauri, my favorite was the Emiliana. Check it out and show our local Sloopin' eateries some love!