Saturday, April 18, 2015

The Sloopin Open House:
Exposed Brick, Lots of Windows and Mucho Mucho Space!

The Sloopin Open House is a new weekly feature on the site where we highlight some of the more interesting open houses we see every week. We're not claiming they're the best deals or that we would necessarily recommend jumping all over the opportunity, but I doesn't hurt to look, right?

This weekend, a 2bed/2bath unit at 1631 S. Michigan has caught our eye.  We've looked in this building before and have always admired the spacious layouts it offered.

While it's listed on the higher end of the 300's ($385K to be exact), it does provide exposed brick, an abundance of windows and generally speaking a lot of space.  If this sounds appealing to you, it's probably worth a visit to this unit.  According to the web, they are hosting an open house on Saturday (4/18) and Sunday (4/19) from 1-3pm.

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