Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Opening Alert! Devil Dogs & Imazaki Dojo Doors Open

A reader writes:
You haven't had it up yet, but Devil Dawgs opened up at 767 S State on Saturday. Haven't had a chance to swing over yet, but was curious if any of the readers have made it over there and tried it out.
We drove by and snapped the picture above.  Place was packed.  This retail strip now has everything a college kid could want (Devil Dawgs, Toppers and Jimmys - Not to mention 7-11, Pauly's Pizza, South Loop Club on the same block).  Here is an old post we did on Devil Dawgs coming to the Sloop.

We haven't been yet, but seems like a solid addition to the neighborhood.

Also of note, is that the Imazaki Dojo has officially opened at 1720 S. Michigan.  While it's not a fancy buildout, it's nice to have some more retail action in that area.

The 2014 business counter is now up-to-date and back in the black (+1)!

(Hat tip:  DK & RD!)