Wednesday, May 29, 2013

More Clarity on Divvy Bike Stations in the Sloop

We like biking as a form of exercise and as an alternative to other modes of transportation in the city.  And as you can imagine we're pretty excited to see the city's bike sharing program role out soon.

If you recall, back in October of 2012 we did a post about suggesting locations to the CDOT.  Slowly but surely the Divvy (the name of the program) has been announcing the new locations.  And as we get closer to the official launch date (mid to late June), they've finally announced 380 of the 400 planned stations.

While the map in the Chicago Tribune article isn't interactive (the Divvy facebook page says an interactive google map version will come out later this week), we still can see where most of the stations will be located in the Sloop:

From what we can tell, the stations set to open in the Sloop in June consist of:

  • Roosevelt and Wabash
  • 8th and Wabash
  • Harrison and State
  • Congress and Michigan
  • Congress and Clark
  • Congress and Clinton (maybe not in the Sloop)
  • Shedd Aquarium
  • Chinatown CTA Stop (Red line)
Beyond that, it appears we will get additional locations at a later date:
  • Harrison and Canal
  • Polk and Wells
  • Roosevelt Collection
  • Agora Statues (Roosevelt and Indiana)
  • 14th and Michigan
  • Roosevelt and Clinton
  • Canal and 14th 
  • 16th and State
  • 18th and State
  • 18th and Prairie 
  • 18th and Clark
  • 18th and Canal
  • McCormick Place
  • Cermak and Wabash
We may be slightly off on the list above since it's tough to see exact locations.  Regardless, it seems like the Sloop has pretty good coverage.

Any surprises?  What are your thoughts on this program?