
Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Asian Outpost Plans New Concept for Ole Hardwood Space

In case you don't read our message board, Blarger posted an interesting link to a Chicago Magazine post yesterday:
Asian Outpost (1315 S. Wabash Ave., no phone yet), a rustic Asian mid-priced spot with between 90 and 100 seats, is scheduled to open midsummer on the elevated first floor of the space that housed the short-lived barbecue joint Ole Hardwood (which closed after a fire in December 2010) and Exposure Tapas Supper Club before that. 
Lois Lee says rustic Asian—not two words you see together often—means dishes such as a soy-braised black chicken. “Part of it is like the recipes our parents had, and part is what David and I do at parties,” she says. Creative maki created by the chef behind the namesake cool sushi, Pheeraphat Phisuthiarpha, will also be available.

If the name Lois Lee (and/or her husband David) rings a bell it's because they're the owners of the Hot Woks Cool Sushi restaurants (see image above from their restaurant up on Michigan Avenue by Millennium Park).  Clearly they've had some success, so it's nice to see them venture down to the Sloop for this new concept.

Best of luck and hopefully they have a better go of it than the previous two restaurants (here and here).

(Hat tip: Blarger!)


  1. This is great news. I live next to the building and am very excited an established business with people that know what they are doing. The previous two businesses were from the same owner were an absolute train wreck. Suspicious fires and constant failed businesses. Welcome

  2. Awesome news. This location is too prime to remain empty and the interior space is perfect for this type of restaurant. The menu sounds interesting and considering the fact the owners have had success at their Hot Woks Cool Sushi restaurants I am confident this venture will succeed as well. A total 180 from the previous tenants - welcome to the South Loop.

  3. What a novel idea for the south loop restaurant scene: someone with actual restaurant experience opening up a restaurant. I like it!

  4. i hope they can prove that this space isn't cursed. This is great news!!

  5. No curse. Weird and shady past owner who got a special business permit based on his special attributes.


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