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Well Future Pharmacy (1442 S. Michigan) has now been
open for about 6 months and business has been gaining momentum.
All we can say is if you've ever tried to get your prescription filled in the neighborhood (cough cough places on Roosevelt Road) you've probably been frustrated with the wait and/or lack of attention. I know I have.
We recently stopped by and had a nice conversation with Kushal and Bhavi Patel, the owners of the pharmacy.
Why should someone use Well Future Pharmacy to get their prescriptions filled?
We offer more personalized service than chain pharmacies. We do our best to learn about our patients and treat them with kindness and respect.
We are also fast, most prescriptions filled in 5 minutes or less and no long lines to wait in.
We try to make sure our patients know about their medications before leaving the pharmacy. Most people are asked "Do you have any questions about the medication?" when they go to chain pharmacies. If it is your first time taking a medicine, shouldn't the pharmacist tell you what to expect instead of you coming up with your own questions?
Some other key differentiators are:
- Low Prices - We aim to offer the best prices on medications for uninsured patients. Call us today to check prices on your medication.
- Delivery - We offer free same day delivery in the South Loop and delivery anywhere in the greater Chicagoland area.
- Discounted Pet Medications - We carry pet medications at greatly discounted prices.
- Non-Sterile Compounding - Both for humans and animals.
- Vitamins - We also carry a wide range of vitamins and specialty lines of vitamins such as Pure Synergy, Life Extension, Metagenics, Renew Life, and many others.
- Running Supplies - For our South Loop runners, we carry a wide range of GU Energy Gels and Chomps.
We can also special order most vitamins at the best prices.
Is Well Future Pharmacy more expensive than a big chain? 
Not at all, We accept all major insurance plans at the same copay as you would pay anywhere else.
Most people are confused about the copay structure of their prescription drug plan.
We make it easy to understand copay tiers and make suggestions to lower your monthly prescription costs.
If you are uninsured or have very high deductibles, we can save you money on your prescriptions. Prices for uninsured and under-insured are typically 25-50% higher at chain pharmacies than what you would pay at
Well Future Pharmacy. I urge any uninsured patients to call us for a simple price quote. We constantly check market prices for medications and aim to always have the best prices for our patients.
What makes your pharmacy better than a big chain pharmacy?
When you call us, you speak to a pharmacist who can help right away. Most big chain pharmacies have already began sending your phone calls to call centers located in another part of the state or country.
Prescriptions are being filled elsewhere and shipped to stores.
Do you know who is filling your prescriptions? How many people have access to your medical records? People get frustrated when talking to a different person every time they call.
With us, you will always speak to myself or Bhavi. This eliminates nearly all of the frustration people have when they call chain pharmacies with dozens of employees and having to repeat yourself to each person.
How does someone transfer their prescription to Well Future Pharmacy?
Transferring is very easy! Just call and let us know which pharmacy you were getting your prescription from. We will contact that pharmacy on your behalf and have the prescriptions transferred here, usually within a few minutes.
What services do you offer and which ones are the most popular?
Our most popular service is the free delivery. We work around our patients schedule to deliver prescriptions. If you are not feeling well, your doctor can call in or send an electronic prescription to us, which can be delivered to your door.
Compounding is our second most popular service. The South Loop is also full of new moms, and our number one compound is an ointment for breastfeeding mothers. This winter, our free flavoring service has begun to pick up with a lot of parents.
We just took a quick gander at Yelp and you have a FIVE STAR RATING. Congrats! How do most people find out about you?
Most people find us through word of mouth. We have very happy customers who do a great job at referring their friends and family to us.
We also get many referrals from local independent south loop businesses such as
South Loop Immediate Care,
Solo Eyecare,
European Foot Clinic,
Universal Dental, and
Sloop Dental. With the help of these businesses, we meet new customers everyday.
Why did you choose the South Loop for your Pharmacy?
We felt the area was missing a community pharmacy that South Loop residents could call their own. Being South Loop residents, we believe this area has a lot of potential and we wanted to do our part to help grow this community. The best way we could do that was to add a new business where these empty storefronts have been for years. We are invested in the community and want to see the area prosper.