Monday, August 20, 2012

Introducing the Sloopin Message Board

Every so often, we like to pause and say thanks to all of our readers and contributors.  We love getting emails, pictures, videos, suggestions and tips.  Without your help, Sloopin wouldn't be what it thanks!

Second, we are always trying to improve Sloopin.  Some of our changes over the years fall flat and sometimes they're a hit.

With that said, today we're excited to introduce our Sloopin message board.  The goal of the message board is to provide a place where readers and residents can come to interact with each other.

Have a question about something in the neighborhood?  Notice a new business coming to the Sloop?  Alert the neighborhood to a crash or a crime?  See something that caught your attention in the neighborhood?  Whatever it may be, you now have the opportunity to post a topic and interact with fellow residents and readers.

The message board will be accessible at the toolbar at the top of the page.  The web address for the page is:

As always, we will be monitoring this new feature closely and would love to hear your feedback.

Thanks again for all your input and hope you enjoy the new message board.

Sloopin Crew

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