Thursday, July 5, 2012

How Do You Feel About the "South Loop" Costco Opening?

We've received a bunch of emails and there has been a lot of discussion about the new Costco that just opened at 14th and Ashland.  While we don't consider this to be the Sloop, it's still close enough for many of us to utilize.  A reader writes:
Have you considered an article about how people feel about the "South Loop" Costco? My theory is that those of us who own property will love that its called South Loop Costco until something bad happens. Once someone writes a negative review people will immediately point out that the location is actually University Village. Could be an interesting poll question.
It's interesting.  It seems like a stretch to call this area the South Loop.  Maybe we could call it "Southwest Loop"...that's a joke (a bad one...).  Anyway, what do people think?  Is this reader right?

(Hat tip: VC & CC!)