The Mary Sears space (!255 S. State) is listed for rent on Loopnet.com
I know they've had violation issues in the past, remember they left a child at the park in the spring? Are they being closed down, relocating, not enough kids needing daycare in the south loop, etc. I figured you'd get the scoop for me.
It's not surprising that they would close, we've heard some bad things about the place (also see rating on yelp). Does anyone have any information on this Mary Sears Academy?
(Hat tip: CLD!)
Hopefully a step closer to getting rid of all the NIMBY mom's and dad's. Go back to Downers Grove
Forgetting a child in a park? They should be forced to close. That's not a policy you review with your employees, it's common sense.
It is actually the side they are not currently using that they may try to rent out. However, as numbers have been increasing (my child is there) they may no longer want to rent it out b/c they anticipate needing the space again soon. they aren't going anywhere! Thank goodness b/c we love it there...
Agree with Anonymous @ 8:51 a.m. I'm concerned with the growing population of children in the Sloop. First dogs, now an increase in the kid population. I'm calling Fioretti. This has to be controlled. Perhaps a city ordnance that redistributes every couples 3rd kid to the 43rd Ward?
actually anon 9:38 the original post was about getting rid of all the "nimby moms and dads" not the children...
Reading comprehension---- or maybe you never picked that up in your travels?
This is the owner of Mary Sears, although we did have an incident in May of last year due to a mistake by an employee, we have implemented added security measures to make sure it doesn't happen again. We aren't going anywhere, enrollment is increasing, and we are looking forward to being in the south loop for the years to come. If you have any questions, please call 312-913-1234
As a lifelong city resident (grew up in Chinatown and living in South Loop now) I don't really understand the hatred towards people from the suburbs. My mom lives in the building the daycare is located at, and frankly I kinda like seeing a cute kid prancing by me when I stop by to see her after work.
Its because people from the burbs ( or people with a burbs mentality) tend to complain about every little thing and drive the rest of us crazy.
i.e. -- stop lights at 13th and wabash
I don't understand the relationship between NIMBY moms and dads and a daycare facility. I'm having a baby soon and am considering Mary Sears for our childcare needs. I also support new development...and the more varied the better, in my opinion. I don't think the two are mutually exclusive.
By wanting Mary Sears to close, aren't you (anon @ 8:51) expressing your own version of NIMBYism?
By the way, kudos to the owner of Mary Sears for following Sloopin and commenting.
I have a child at Mary Sears and will be honest that after the issue last spring we had concerns. We temporarily pulled our child from the facility, but after having a conversation with the owners and seeing how they reacted to and corrected this mistake, we have been nothing but impressed since. This is a great service to have in the Sloop. I am a bit appalled at the Sloopin staff for this type of inflammatory journalism. Couldn’t you have just called Mary Sears for the info about their rental arrangement and whether or not they are staying in the Sloop?
ANON @ 2:14
Its a blog about the neighborhood...
Mary Sears is in the neighborhood....
It wasnt slander on the place, it was info. Take it easy, try not to get so upset of stupid things like that. Perhaps a job would help occupy your mind better.
yeah maaaaaaan, I'm so urban I like almost getting hit by cars.
Why are urbanites so proud of their ability to tolerate awful crap?
My son was enrolled in Mary Sears South Loop from the age of 3 months ... we experienced the park incident. Although it is extremely unfortunate and I would HATE to be that child's mother, I was thoroughly impressed with how the owners and staff reacted.
I was referred to Mary Sears by a teacher and mother of 3 - she told me it was the creme de la creme of all child cares. She was right.
I highly recommend this location and trust my most loved in their hands.
while i'm not a fan of mary sears. mostly due to the reputation they garnered through "alone at the park" fiasco.. this is highly irresponsible for sloopin to post this without any attempt to do any investigating of his own. why do i read this garbage.
on a side note. while they have not lost anyone... rainforest is probably worse than this place.
it seems all the Mary sears employees that are posting here don't understand the purpose of a blog?
only a tool uses the word NIMBY ...therefore the first poster is a one
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