This is unfortunate news. While we've documented many of the positive developments on South Michigan, it seems like we always take one step forward and then one step back.
House of Sole is the second shop to close their doors on this block as Marble Slab Ice Creamery recently did as well.
Best of luck to Tiffany in her future endeavors and hopefully we can get some new businesses to fill in some of these vacant spaces on the East side of Michigan Avenue.
Best of luck to Tiffany in her future endeavors and hopefully we can get some new businesses to fill in some of these vacant spaces on the East side of Michigan Avenue.
(Hat Tip: TP!)
That's unfortunate news, but not surprising when you consider the theme of closings with outlandish prices (see also: Marble Slab, Entourage Man).
Oh No!!!!!!
My heart is breaking this early morning after reading this!!
I have often shopped at Tiffany's store. Oh my gosh. I am just heartbroken.
While I can understand and applaud Tiffany for her desire to follow new dreams and find fulfillment in other endeavors in her life - I for one will truly miss her beautiful store, excellent selection of items and seeing her in the store!! And seeing her bike parked outside the store on beautiful summer mornings!
Where will I go now to find my sole mates...sorry to see you go Tiffany. Thank you for the beauty you brought to our South Loop Neighborhood.
Makes sense, I didnt even know this place was there
Open your eyes and look around as you walk around your neighborhood and you can notice a lot of things!
"One step forward, one step back"? . . . . Ummm, try "one step forward, two steps back."
This recurring theme of "un-development" of the commercial scene in the sloop is getting old. Oh well, at least a hot dog stand is coming to our local gas station!
Hate to see any one who risked their capital, time and effort and have it not pay off for them.
Seemed like a nice and well run store. Good luck to Tiffany.
This woman did everything she could to make her business work in the south loop. She agressively marketed, sent out biweekly newsletters, attended community meetings, joined local organizations, and cultivated personal relationships in the sloop. She was here when there were only few businesses willing to take the risk in the new south loop. I wish her the best.
Sad to see a business close up. Although, I'd really have to disagree with anon @ 2:00 pm. I don't think she did everything she could and she really did a poor job marketing her business. I've lived in the neighborhood since before she opened up and if I didn't walk by her business everyday I probably wouldn't even know she was there. I think a perfect example of how she did a poor marketing job is her website that still says "Coming Soon" on it.
I hate to see her go ot business.
I think she should stay in business but in another location. She could be in the harper sourt development in hyde park. I think she couldn't compete with the big box stores on rosevelt and other ones on state street.
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