In the height of the housing boom it was common to see cranes every direction you looked. Fast forward to recent times and the opposite is true.
Although apartments and condos aren't being built like they were a couple years ago, that doesn't mean the neighborhood isn't growing.
Thanks to some educational institutions, the landscape of the Sloop will look different in the months to come. We've chronicled some of the proposed projects individually, but recently noticed that they appear to be picking up steam. With that said, we snapped some pictures of these new developments.
Probably the highest profile project is the new Jones College Prep high school being built on the Northwest corner of State and Polk (picture to the right). It's tough to miss the gigantic crane that has been put into place and will help build the structure that will no doubt change the look and feel of State street in the Sloop.
Other less high-profile, but still important structures are also beginning constructed. Roosevelt University is building an athletic complex at the Southeast corner of Congress and Wabash. While it might not be as sexy as its "Vertical Campus" building, it will no doubt bring more density to the neighborhood (which we think is good - especially in this part of the neighborhood). Below is a picture of construction workers laying the foundation (among other things) at the site:

Finally, East West University broke ground at 819 S. Wabash for what will soon be there own building to house students:

Good to see that the neighborhood is growing even if the housing market isn't in great shape.
(Hat tip: TP!)
Wow. That is a ton of student housing. The next wave should be businesses that sell tight jeans and poetry journals.
This post also missed the construction at Roosevelt University, not only on completing the tower but also they broke group on the fieldhouse that is going to house a Olympic size pool and the basketball courts. The fieldhouse construction is at the southeast corner of congress and wabash.
Anonymous March 30, 2012 2:55 PM -
You are a bad reader.
THEIR own - not THERE own, proofread Sloopy.
And the "anons" strike again...
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