As a high school freshman, Anthony Davis fell a few inches shy of being the tallest player on his basketball team. He was 6-2 but shot up eight inches by his senior year.
That made him a hot commodity in basketball hotbed Chicago, but in an unlikely place: Perspectives Charter School. It is a contradiction to urban public schools that produce high-caliber players and have a reputation for being crowded or run-down. Perspectives is modern, down to the architecture of its Joslin campus building, shaped like an isosceles triangle, in the Downtown South Loop area.
Perspectives, with a high school enrollment of about 200, has no gymnasium and plays in the off-the-radar Blue Division of the Chicago Public League, a place for startups and foundering programs that are no match for teams from the powerful Red Division.
From this little-known school, Davis made it to Kentucky, the Final Four and NBA draft charts as the projected No. 1 pick if he chooses to declare. He is just a freshman, but his immediate impact reverberated across the country. On Friday, he was named Associated Press Player of the Year. Earlier, he won the Oscar Robertson Trophy and will lead NCAA tournament favorite Kentucky in its national semifinal today against rival Louisville.
We've never read much about this school so it was surprising to see the neighborhood and this school mentioned in this context. With that said, we wanted to arm you with this random fact so you can impress your friends when you're watching the final four this weekend.

Did Omer Asik go there too?
Not sure if it's right school. The pictured school has no high school component.
Perspectives is over by 31st and MLK/LSD
This is an elementary school, geez
Actually, BRENDAN, that is the right school. That IS Perspectives Charter School, it IS on Archer in the South Loop, and Anthony David DID attend school there.
The "elementary school" you're probably referring to is the South Loop Early Childhood Center right next door, which is where South Loop Elementary puts its pre-school and kindergarten kids...
Actually, Brendan, from the Perspectives website, it looks like: a) the school pictured is their Joslin Campus and b) "The Joslin Campus serves 365 students in grades 6-12."
So yeah, there are high school students here. Maybe Anthony Davis went to a different Perspectives campus, but the article cited in Sloopin's post does imply that he attended the Joslin Campus.
You can read more for yourself here:, or you could just continue to think you know everything.
wow good post sloopy..been a
What else could you expect from Brendan?
yes, anthony davis went to high school at perspectives at state/archer.
reason why he's at kentucky is he grew some eight inches in the offseason before his senior year and college coaches took notice. he already was a good guard, but his height increase plus ball-skills made him a must-have. turns out the recruiters were right.
for those who must know, perspectives is not a basketball power. they play in one of the worst conferences in chicago and don't even have they own gym.
from what i understand, davis went there because his parents were happy with the education their daughter received. they weren't inclined to change anything with their son.
i'm from georgia and went to UGA. as much as i dislike kentucky, i root for anthony and all other chicago athletes because i live here now.
let's all enjoy it.
wow you guys have alot of time on your hands, never made a mistake before?
who cares???
r u people really that anal about proving where this kid went to school. Wow
anon @11:27
This is a South Loop blog. When someone in the comments calls out the authors of this blog, I think it serves everyone here to make sure their inaccurate statements are proved otherwise. We can't help that Brendan is troll.
Anon@ 12:54 i'm pretty sure you and your "anon" buddies are the trolls considering your baffling RAGE because brendon said the word "geez". The other comments on here are accurate, you look like a desperate loser trying to stir up a mob against another blogger. Thats 6th grade stuff right there, grow up.
Sloopy this blog was once enjoyable, please do not allow the "anon" posts anymore....
posts 4-7 are complete worthless garbage, no wonder no one comes here anymore.
Ok Steven, oops I mean Brendan
Go Kentucky!
Looks like I'm not the only one that got a little sick of Brendan's attitude. If Brendan can't take it, he shouldn't dish it out. Besides, I'm pretty sure he's a big boy and can defend himself. Geez.
WOW the gutless "anons" are out in full force again I see. Im willing to bet most of them are high school kids trying to get a rise out of people...Does anyone even pay attention to them?
Sloopy is there a way to block all anons? I enjoy this blog very much but its getting a little out of hand..
Saw a Fox news truck interviewing someone outside the school this morning at 7 AM. I'm sure it'll be on the news sometimem today
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