While we haven't seen anything formal in the press, we heard that the building would have residential, office space and that the street level floors would be retail (including Jewel and presumably Starbucks).
We haven't heard anything in regard to timing or feasbility and in reality feel that this might have a 5% chance of being true. Regardless, it's interesting and something we assume most resident would appreciate.
We often hear complaints about how parking lots disrupt the "urban" feel of the city and this current lot is the poster child for that complaint. We doubt that they would scrap parking if this happened, it most likely would just be tucked behind the building (like Target on Roosevelt).
What do you think? Good? Bad? Not going to happen?
(Image from Google Maps)
This is so interesting, but seems like an awful lot of work for something that is pre-existing and works well for the Sloop. Construction would/could be a nightmare and surely this will happen AFTER the G8 NATO conference.
Emily - sometimes it takes hard work and construction to continue to build a great neighborhood and enjoy what we have along the way. I believe the JEWEL near Clark/Division is planning to do this type of thing as well. There is alot of into out there on that one.
hThey could build it like the Contemporary Resort at Disney World ...with the Green and Orange El lines running through the center of the building. Something tells me it would be a bit louder than the monorail.
The Jewel on Roosevelt sucks even worse than the one on Division that's going to be redeveloped. Assuming Jewel owns the land and has for a LONG time this is a smart play to get new stores and realize some substantial RE profit. The locations themselves are superior to all their competitors...the stores just suck.
Given the increased competition from Whole Foods, Trader Joes, and the aggressively expanding Mariano's I could easily see this story being true.
"but seems like an awful lot of work for something that is pre-existing and works well for the Sloop."
A gigantic surface parking lot for a grocer at one of the busiest public transportation hubs in the city "works well"?
Hopefully this rumor is true.
Leave the parking lots alone. Dont turn this into the northside. I understand the need for the neighborhood feel. Fill the empty lots and storefronts dont eliminate a developed parking lot.
The parking would not be eliminated just moved into/behind whatever development is built on the site. In fact it's probable that the amount of available parking would actually increase since the Jewel lot is already often full.
This would be a smart plan. Whoever owns the land recognizes they are not getting much revenue from the land used as the parking lot. Put parking on the upper floors and lease out the entire first floor of the lot. Makes simple business sense.
traffic around that sight would be a complete nightmare during construction nooo thankyou
This rumor isn’t as far-fetched as you may think. Jewel/Osco parent company (not so) - Supervalu is riddled with debt and probably is fishing the idea of selling the land. This is what they're doing to their Clark and Division property up north in the Gold Coast. Supervalu has no money to grow the business. They're only idea is to cut costs or sell things (gas stations, land etc.). Either they’ll have to start selling entire business units or file bankruptcy.
I'm in favor of anything that closes that Jewel! That place is a helhole. I'm always shocked when I see just how many people are actually willing to purchase and consume food from that place!
Also, I think we deserve a "real" starbucks in the south loop - not a grocery store starbucks. Many of you many be shocked to hear that the starbucks at Roosevelt and Wabash DOESN'T EVEN HAVE A BATHROOM!
"traffic around that sight would be a complete nightmare during construction nooo thankyou"
Dumb. Oh, don't fix that pot hole either cuz the traffic would be nasty during construction. Simply dumb.
you just compared a major construction project at a location that is already a mess at many times of the day with traffic to fixing a pothole? Can you imagine how long construction would last building that type of structure with all the city permits, politics and delays? Think before you speak or in this case type.
Why do anything. Progress is just too much work. I think we have a new presidential campaign slogan!
It'd probably block my view of the lake, but any development is welcomed.
Scottyboy--- If you live in Vision, I doubt anyone cares what those tenants think, ya know?
Wow...traffic in the city is already messed up with peope that don't know how to drive or are from out of town and have no clue what GPS is!!! Any new project, construction, or anything that makes the area better I'm for. You complain about traffic in the area....DON'T drive....take a damn train or bus. Chicago is the 3rd largest city in the US.
Also....who cares about bathrooms in Starbucks...bums go to Jewel and Dominicks to use the bathrooms...I say...NO BATHROOMS unless you are a customer...& move the shelter WAY WAY WAY farther south!!!
I can't believe you're complaining about the shelter! Its tucked out of sight, far enough behind Dominick's for most not to notice it. The only way you'd see it is if you decide to take Canal over to 18th St or over farther into Chinatown. It's fine right where it is. It's not like it's taking up prime realty... There's plenty of space for businesses to expand on Roosevelt between Clark & Halsted. Jeez What a snob!
Anon 12:18am - not sure if you realize that the South Loop actually has no major crime; however do you ever notice how people come out of that shelter in the morning and commit crimes (this is FACT look up the address given for many of the people arressted for theft, burglury) ask people for money, drink, leave their bottles, trash from Canal all the way to Michigan from the loop all they way to Cermak. Where do you think these people go from 7am - 7pm? They are out wandering the streets - our streets. We are missing out on having our condos filled by the thousands of people who decide not live the south loop because of this demographic littering our streets. Don't you get sick to your stomache when you drive down Roosevelt and think where are these people coming from!! If you don't you must rent here.
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