As you can see by the picture above, the signage is already up. We couldn't find much online in regard to web stuff (except for their twitter handle @thepitabelly). Anyway, we will keep our eyes open for this launch.
In honor of Pitabelly we couldn't help but think of the disgustingly charming Fat Bastard from Austin Powers:
South Loop Connection had a report on this like a week ago....
ugly sign..they must have found a pita belly that went out of business in the 80's and took the sign.
Because we all eat at restaurants purely based on their sign.
Seems like this Pitabelly is a second branch of this one: http://www.pitabelly.com/contact.aspx - menu looks similar, anyway, and the font on the sign seems to match...
@anon 10:58
Actually, there are some that do judge a storefront's quality based on their signage. Do not devalue good design. It's all about first impression, and unless someone else told me that I absolutely need to eat somewhere, I probably wouldn't step foot in a place with a shitty exterior.
eg. Chef Luciano's before http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/201/luciano608.jpg/sr=1
David - you beat me to it. I refuse to patronize places that do not live up to the standards of the South Loop (although, there are not many). Chef Luciano's renovation is THE REASON why I go there now. I have always supported the businesses that put money into their places trying to make our neighborhood 1st class.
Whats everyones favorite Hot Dog in the City/chicagoland area??
I vote for
1. Patio on taylor st
2. Wojo's on 99th and pulaski
3. Portillos
Based on the picture, both Pizza Hut and Subway have similarly designed signs. Based on that, I'll assume the building has a policy that all business signs must follow the same design pattern. I think we're being a bit picky about the sign.
Absolutely. Presentation is extremely important to bring in first time customers.
Does anyone know why that restaurant on 13th and Michigan - Acapella, seems to always be empty when you go by? Doesn't matter what day of the week or what time of day. Always next to empty.
@ anonymous at March 3, 2012 10:05 PM
It is because Acapella's food is unbelievably bad... I would definitely not go there if I were you.
Someone previously said on this forum that it is just a front business to launder money. I don't know if that is true but it does seem logical since it has been there a long time with little/no business. If it were a real for-profit envedour like 99.9% of restaurants try to be it would have long since closed. Acapello's owners must not mind having no customers and no revenue. Must be some valid reason for it right??
What restaurant does Chef Luciano own/run? Was he affiliated with the Luciano's Italian restaurant that used to be on Rush in the Gold Coast?
Acapella is a mobster storefront ...
Never judge the book by its cover, I actually ate their food at UIC location, food could not get better than that, they beat all the Mediteranian food around down town..
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