Well it appears that one rumor from our post yesterday is more than a rumor. Today we found a building permit on the window confirming that a "tavern" is moving into the vacant retail space on the Southwest corner of 14th and Michigan:

The pic is hard to read, but it says "interior renovation for new tavern in existing 28 story, 1A building as per plans."
Good news!
Note to Sloopy:
I provided this information not as a "rumor" but as fact.
I can also confirm that an italisn bistro is in the works for the spot that was Grace O'Malleys
Matt O'Malley is a close friend of mine and has no problem with anyone and everyone spreading the word about this new resturant. So for those who have spewed your cute little retorts over the validity of these "rumors" you can rest assured that you look stupid and can go back to being babbling idiots.
For those of you who tried to actually provide this blog with some useful information, i'm sure your efforts are appreciated by many people who don't solely exist to annoy others.
Well said Steven
I have been saying O'Malleys old spot will be an italian place for MONTHS now.....
Of course the usual dumbasses come on and blurt the same old negative B.S.
Its best to ignore it all.
Do you have any details about the Italian restaurant? Name? Description? Casual? Fancy? Website? Projected opening date?
It's not so much the content in the comments section that i enjoy, as it is the juvenile insults that are spewed back and forth between posters who think this is the Wall Street Journal. Thanks for the unintentional comedy in lightening up my day folks...
Hey Steven can you and your big shot friends help us little people get a Chipotle?
The peasants
For the record it is the Northeast corner of the building...sorry for the interruption, continue
Steven, you had me looking for the "Like" button.
I will say (not in defense of the negative Anons), there have been a few places that deserved some speculation over the past few years. Glad to hear this spot is NOT one of them.
Actually it was supposed ot be open by now but a riff between the contractors has delayed ALOT. Apparently a slight change in building codes in Chicago has set this project back. But it has since recovered and is moving forward. look for something this Spring/ Summer.
As far as chipolte, I don't eat that garbage. If you want news on chipolte ask chipolte. If this was a joke, then its not very funny, in fact it is rather ignorant and dull.
This bores me
I read this post casually and guys like Brendan bring joy in my life. He gets upset at humor. I read a post where he was called a tight panted art major and laughed out loud. I love the insight this blog shares like the new tavern coming in but I also like the back and forth. Steven good looking out on the inside scoop but relax. Maybe get a pbr with tight pants Brandon.
Steven -
Get off your podium. I get it, you said a place was coming and you were right. A round of applause in your honor. There's a difference between providing news and claiming how great you are. No follow up comment was needed - no need to rub it in. There's nothing worse than someone stating their greatness while insulting others. It's shallow.
Go ahead and call me Anon this and that and say that I don't contribute anything worthwhile to the site. Fine. I get it. But at least I don't run around insulting people online.
I love chipotle. Nothing wrong with simple food done well, and chipotle hits that mark.
you just did anon...
Lot of tough guys on this blog that like to call people names. i think the negativity should be directed towards those chicken S*&t cowards instead of those that contribute to the blog.
Cowards bore me
Spoken like a true Bridgeport meathead.
Hey "steven," did Matt O'Malley ever concede to you in private that he has no idea how to run a restaurant business? Further, has he ever acknowledged that the only reason why places like Firehouse and Grace O'Malley's were crowed back in the day was due to utter lack of competition?
This blog would be so much better if we got rid of anon posts. Why are people afraid to post their name/contact info next to the things that they post online?
The level of ignorance by some of our neighbors is frightening.
Burger Point In Da House Bitches!!!!
Just out of curiosity Steven, are you on Felix's side or his attackers in the building?
Bridgeport Meathead??
That comment right there shows me your ignorance.If bridgeport meatheads bully you so much why not move to somewhere more suitable for your personality/lifestyle like Andersonville?
As far as O'Malley is concerned, Firehouse continues to do phenominal business to this day and O'Malleys was one of the original "anchor bars" in this neighborhood. How is Wabash tap doing, what about Park Grill Tavern?
I think its best for ignorant people like you two to unplug your keyboards and go walk your dog. Go take a deep breath....maybe sit this one out. Still, I assume you wont...and expect even more stupidty to be typed and muttered on this blog.
I feel like this blog, Sloopin, is a great tool for us south loopers to use AND share information back and forth. Its a shame that a few wimpy, cowardly morons have to ruin it for everyone.
lol lol lol
Wow, you tell 'em Steven. Damn, i've never read so many sad little anon posters in my life-- you're so right. Nothing but little cowards spewing their "internet tough guy muscles"
who is felix?
Maybe Felix the cat? Popular cartoon from the '50s.
Park Grill Tavern? You mean the illegal and unethical lease that the City of Chicago is attempting to withdraw? Great example.
And, yes, it's transparently obvious that "Steve," "Lily," and "Josh" are the same person.
How is it an illegal lease?
I'll wait for your answer.....
P.S.-- please stick only to facts, I don't care for your opinion nor does anybody else.
Do you really want us to rehash the details of your friend's Park Grill lease here?
Ok, I'm game... This one has it all: O'Malley's baby mama/Park District employee, free water/gas/garbage, crony investors.
It even has it's own wikipedia page:
If they can turn over the park grill lease, they can turn over the parking deal
I didnt ask for details on his infidelity, or the garbage.
I asked specifically about an ILLEGAL LEASE.
I'm still waiting, tough guy.
oh--p.s. --don't cut and past wiki like some little kid. Explain YOUR thoughts and prove this illegal lease you speak of.....
anon--- you are a maroon!
Yeah, I double as a guy named steven on a neighborhood blog. Unless Steven is a ER nurse at Mercy and is 5'6" 134 and african american....i'd say your guess is pretty much dead wrong. LOLOL
Oh Lord the full moon brings out the crazies sometimes
Why so sensitive Steven. I thought the other user’s Chipotle comment was somewhat amusing after your “fact not rumor” rant. I also find it amusing that you call Chipotle garbage, but think the Mainstay Hospitality restaurants are great. Not that I have anything against those restaurants. I am glad they are here and I was really glad they were here five plus years ago when there were a lot less options. But the reality is:
Chipolte – Better than your average fast food chain.
Chicago Firehouse – When compared to other steakhouses in Chicago with a similar price range, Chicago Firehouse is below average
Grace O’Malleys – Was also below average when compared to other Irish pubs in the city.
Wabash Tap – Also, below average when compared to similar bars. (In full disclosure, I’ve only eaten here once and it was several years ago, but I sat at the bar and ordered a burger. All the bartender did was pull a frozen patty out of the freezer and throw it on the grill. Maybe things have changed since I was there last, but I’d certainly call that garbage before Chipotle.)
Park Grill – I’ve never eaten there so I can’t comment on the quality of the restaurant, but the apparent corruption in this restaurant deal is pretty repulsive.
I look forward to trying O’Malley’s new Italian restaurant when it opens. Hopefully this one will be above average. There is already some average Italian in the neighborhood, so a new below average place might not hack it. I’d love it if it ended up being something closer to the caliber of Piccolo Sogno, Cafe Spiaggia or Cocco Pazzo.
Anon option should be eliminated as well as the delayed blog authorization. Both kill good convo
Park Grill is great on a nice day, good food, reasonable prices.
It's a tourist trap for the most part.
The wikipedia page was detailed wow, thanks for sharing. Chicago was built by crooks, so I am not surprised. The biggest one is in DC right now.
Please scroll up and review my post. Please show me where I said these resturants/bars were so great. I merely provided information ( correct info mind you...) for a blog that shares information for the rest of the neighborhood to enjoy.... I am not grandstanding for Mainstay one bit....again-- please site sources of where I said the resturants "were so great."
Personally I do not eat fast food burritos like a big fatass so I don't personally enjoy or care for Chipotle. Sorry--
If you knew about HALF of what goes on in this city with ANY resturant/bar you would know that park grill was nothing new.
Again people, I appreciate and enjoy about 90% of you on here... I apologize that I have to keep silencing these jealous loners that just keep wanting to challenge me on this thread. the stupidity hurts too much to ignor...
Love the relentless (I hope sarcastic?) campaigning for Chipotle. Lol.
So sarcastic. But a meathead like Steve/Lily took the bait and ran with it. He/She really needs to get a life.
But I do love the "Mr. Big Shot" act, now THAT is soooooo Chicago.
If I had a dollar for every former washed-up high school athlete from Bridgeport/Beverly who started a sentence with: "if you only knew what really goes on in this town . . . "
Im not a bodybuilder or a marathon runner but I eat well and frequent the gym. The chipotle chicken burrito bowl is one of the healthiest to go items out there.
---If I had a dollar for every former washed-up high school athlete from Bridgeport/Beverly who started a sentence with: "if you only knew what really goes on in this town . . . " ---
Two historic Chicago neighborhhods that many of my friends and family have grown up in or around. the fact that you have so much angst towards bridgeport specifically tell me one thing, that you were picked on as a little kid and are scarred. If there is anything any of us can do to help ease your pain let us know
Sorry Steven you are right you didn’t say that those restaurants were great. So does that mean that you don’t think they are great? Anyway, I think the only reason people are giving you a hard time in this thread, myself included, is because you started off the thread sounding like a prick just because Sloopin originally referred to the information you provided as rumor and have now said it has been confirmed. I’m sure Sloopin get’s information all the time, some of which turns out to be true and some of it which turns out to not be true. Hopefully Sloopin will take note for the future though that any information provided by Steven is fact and not rumor, regardless of how much or little other information they have to back it up.
Just stating facts. That Steven guy must check this blog all day due to his numerous posts. Get another hobby. You look like a narcissist sociopath with all of your posts. It also just looks kind of sad to constantly defend yourself from strangers but my guess is you love the attention. So here is more attention for you.
bow down to super Steve
"...you were picked on as a kid and are scared..."
Thanks for proving my point, you big bridgeport bully!
Wow. First you must forgive me for my English. I am a regular reader of this blog. For a very very long time, this has been the most entertaining and informative. I say to Steven, he is right all the way, I have been cooking for 30years, please come and enjoy my food.
O'mailey has done a great job bringing Firehouse and O'mailleys
to this neighborhood. I remember this building. Matt spent countless hours converting this space. He did a very good job with the Firehouse. Wabash Tap is a "Tap" being a chef myself, they can do a better job for food.
I don't think a business model of Cocco Pazzo or Piccolo Sogno is a surviving model in this economy in this neighborhood.
Once again please this blog alive!
Thanks for your support, and yes I do agree with everything you say.
There are a few bad eggs on this blog that post under "anonymous" and say alot of childish things. My guess and sloopy's guess is they are young children that have discovered the site and are just wasting bandwidth.
I was in your resturant the other day and I must say it was fantastic, any plans to expand in the future?
As I said before, dont let these babies and cowards bother you. They are harmless
Steven. You keep checking this thread and commenting. Weird and sad. Keep the blog for cool info and move on.
^^^ oh look, another anon talking shit. Suprise suprise.....
Someones mother needs to pull the plug on the computer before this little boy gets in serious trouble
ANON @ 8:45
What are you gonna do about it...?
my word. how about a little re-direct here: i think it's great that new tavern is coming. i enjoy seeing new local businesses open up whether or not they cater to my interests. prosperity begets prosperity. there are enough storefronts around to one day, ideally, be able to appeal to all sorts of interests.
now, let's see if i can get this right and piss everyone off: fuck fast food, fuck fine dining, fuck bridgeport, fuck parks, fuck you, fuck me. did i miss any?
fuck you ZM
Did someone post this link describing "Square One" already: http://chicago.metromix.com/bars-and-clubs/sandwiches/square-one-south-loop/2979031/content
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