Back in May we posted about "The Danger Zone at 13th and Wabash" where a concerned emailer sent us a note about the amount of cars not stopping at the stop signs. This post garnered a lot of opinions.
Many residents wanted something done and "Timothy" posted a comment saying that the Alderman requested that the CDOT look into safety issues at the corners of Wabash/13th and Wabash/14th. That was the last we heard about this topic...
Until yesterday. A reader sent us this email:
Until yesterday. A reader sent us this email:
Just wanted to share some news about the repaving on Wabash. You might have noticed that after pouring the initial blacktop layer & working on the man holes, construction seemed to slow down & then they actually started digging things back up at the corners of Wabash & 13th and Wabash & 14th. Wondering what the deal was, a friend of ours spoke with the project foreman. He said approval had been giving to put stoplights at those corners to replace the (always blown by cabbies) stop signs so they were tearing up part of the new road to get the pressure pads & wiring in for the new stoplights. Just a few more weeks!
Pretty interesting stuff and it seems like this is what most readers wanted. Hope this helps with the problem.
The other interesting thing we noticed was that the lines on Wabash now have two "official" lanes of traffic (see image below looking North at Wabash and 14th). It makes sense now that they have lights going up.

(Hat tip: DC!)