Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Northerly Island - An Unfinished Piece of Maggie Daley's Legacy

There have been a lot of nice stories eulogizing Maggie Daley, Chicago's First Lady for many many years, but yesterday we read something on Chicagobusiness.com about a legacy close to the Sloop that wasn't fully realized:

Mrs. Daley was tapped by her husband, former Mayor Richard M. Daley, to head Northerly Island development efforts. The mayor, of course, ordered the Meigs runway destroyed in the middle of a March night in 2003. Subsequently, the city talked about using much of the island to host events for the proposed 2016 Chicago Olympics.

At least when it was used for an airport, Northerly Island served a need. Right now, it's close to a wasteland. Perhaps someone out there would like to pick up this unfinished piece of the Maggie Daley legacy.
The story doesn't make it sound like Northerly Island will get revamped any time soon, but we can hope.