An Arizona developer aims to jump-start a massive hotel, retail and entertainmentThis is probably good news for the area. More development means more people means more business/retail. This also aligns with the city and alderman's push to evolve this area into an entertainment hub. We will see what happens. Should be interesting.
project next to McCormick Place and turn the nearby Motor Row area into a
nightlife hot spot.
Winners Development LLC agreed to invest $40.2 million in a parcel on East Cermak Road, directly north of the McCormick Place West Building, according to a recent court filing in a bankruptcy case involving the property's owner. The first phase of construction would include a convention hotel with 900 rooms, although the 4.9-acre property is zoned for nearly 2,600.
If the Scottsdale-based developer can pull it off—still a big if — the project will be the first of its size on the Near South Side since the real estate collapse derailed the frenzied residential development that transformed the area in the 2000s. It also could help bring more trade shows to McCormick Place, addressing a big complaint from meeting planners: the lack of hotel rooms near the convention center.
(Image from YoChicago.com)
(Hat tip: EJM!)
"This is probably good news for the area." ....probably? ...no this is amazing news that would certainly transform the whole area for the better
Great News. But this plot seems far from the actual Motor Row.
Regardless its good news.
Best place to meet promiscuous women is at convention center hotel bars, and surrounding bars. Daddy just hit the jackpot!
Concerned about the historic residence on S Prairie.
Hopefully it can be saved and integrated into this exciting development.
Why would anybody care about anything on prarie? Seems stupid to me...
I wish I didn't have to move in the next few months. Seems like I'm going to regret it in a few years.
This here is some real potential news ladies. A welcome relief to the snoozers that are the traffic light and burger point news.
The article goes on to say that the same developer is looking to invest in about 5-6 properties along S. Michigan in Motor Row (as well as one building on S. Indiana). This would be great to give residents and visitors some retail, restaurants and entertainment.
what bank is going to back this?
Or more importantly who is going to go over to that part of the city
MrDowntown - it's funny how you were probably saying the same thing about anything past Roosevelt 10 years ago. Now it's the most modern, neighborhood feel area in the city. I hate responding to these stupid comments, but it's hard not to sometimes.
This is huge news for the "south" south loop. The area is expanding so quickly.
Mr Downtown: You don't get it.
anon @ 9:22
Actually I think 10 years ago it was more than safe south of roosevelt.....Now, 15 years--thats another story.
I'm sorry I do not have the same set of rose lenses that you do But since I am assuming I know more than you on most topics concerning the south loop/west loop I would have to ask that you cease your opinions for fear you may make yourself look even dumber.
Mr. Downtown... take off your crap-colored glasses and stop making yourself look even more dumber-er... your "reality" is a better fit in a "the world is ending" blog site
It's disappointing how downhill this blog has gotten. Just too manydumbys for my taste..
Mr Downtown, sounds like it's a win-win for both of us if you leave this "terrible" neighborhood, and perhaps this "dumby" blog.
The article was exciting news, and so is people like you leaving our neighborhood.
The rest of us are going to enjoy the fruits of our investment, both financial and cutlturally, in the South Loop.
Good. Riddance.
I think youre all half retarded...
These comments are getting worse. All the NIMBY's and people who post nothing but negative posts absolutely make my day however---this is better stuff than TMZ!!!!
It is a very good concept for the location. However after reviewing the developers website (http://winnersdevelopmentllc.com/index.html) under case studies...it appears this group primarily builds generic govt projects; hospitals, prisons, water treatment, etc. Very concerned that this will be executed with quality and done with any creativity or Chicago glamour/style and be just another 2 star hotel with crap retail if any at all....Thinking of Howard Johnson with ihop right now
Whom ever the Anon A-hole is that is giving Mr. Downtown a hard time, you obviously have no idea who you are treating like an imbecile... I've been on a few different message boards that deal with the South Loop and he is one of the most educated members of this area... Whether or not he is correct about the project, he probably knows a far lot more than you can ever imagine...
I agree, Mr. D is a welcome addition to this blog. Unfortunately, it doesn't look like he'll be sticking around. It's getting harder and harder to have a good conversation on Sloopin.
Thank you Scotty
I have extensive knowledge of the downtown area and the outer rings such as west/south loop. I have harvested this knowledge from various meetings/dealings I have had with the our company ( a developer in Chicago which will remain nameless) and many local legislators. I can and will add any knowledge of this area thant I can when I receive knowledge that is deemed transferable.
Do not test me, for I will take my ball and go home at any time... this is a great time for the South Loop---lets enjoy it together.
ok Mr. Downtown, we get it you're a BIG Deal. What's hard for me to understand is that someone with such extensive knowledge about this and that can't see the potential in this project. Do you honestly believe that nobody would come to this part of town?
I also am allergic to stupidity but every once in a while I cave in and take the bait ( see above)
so it looks like you aren't leaving us after all. All the people swinging from your nuts in this thread will be pleased.
Apparently in an effort to sow confusion, someone else has chosen to post under the name Mr Downtown, a username I have used on several urbanist forums since the early 2000s. I'm not really sure how to clear up this confusion, since Sloopin allows anyone to use any name or none at all. Comments from the real Mr Downtown will now be marked by the orange Google Account bug.
its official
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