However, that's not going to stop us from hoping something is coming. Curious Sloopers have been whispering to us that they continually see new "small" things going on at the space. This might not mean much, but in our mind it's still worth posting about.
One Sloopster, noticed garbage and wood (presumably the bar) being unloaded out the back of the space and into a dumpster. Does this mean they're cleaning up or tearing down to make way for new finishes?
Another Sloopster amazingly noticed a small detail about the windows in the front of the building on Michigan. It appears that there are now additional pieces of paper covering the windows to prevent people from seeing in.
Finally, there are new flowers in the flower planters just under the windows. Peculiar if you ask us. Why would they now put in flowers? The winter is about to come.
Anyway, this might not mean much, but it appears that Sloopsters are on the lookout and want to see something open in the space soon!
(Hat tip: NS!)
The italian resturant isnt a rumor, its fact. I know people close to the situation who have confirmed it.
It's better than a vacant space, but with Gioco and Flo/Santos so close, an Italian restaurant seems a bit forced. But hey, can't hurt.
In other news, 3 months in and Scout has been rockin'.
I too heard that italian is a possibility--from a credible source. I think Scout is ok. I like that more people are coming to the neighborhood but I do prefer more of a neighborhood feel and personal attention at local bars/restaurants. I wish Scout had more of that feel and attention but it is a welcome addition to the neighborhood.
The Scout doesn't bring much to the table in my opinion. But its good to see it doing well. Gioco seems to be half empty most times when I walk past it. Maybe its just me but it seems to have lost some of its patronage after it shut down, so maybe a new Italian joint will be good. Anything new food options are good, provided its not another Subway...
Flo and Santo's is an esay pick over Scout (as much as I like the space).
Nicer people and better food. Their expansion will be welcomed.
Gioco has no liquor license, evidently? That has to be effecting it. Are there plans to resolve that issue?
The owner/operator of Grace O'Malleys is the same owner/operator as the Fire House & Wabash Tap, so I'm not surprised (if it is under the same ownership) that they'd go in a different direction than pub fare or steak house - I heard they closed down Grace O'Malleys as they felt they were eating into their own profit margin by having 3 "American" style places (albeit different styles) in such a small area.
I heard they shut down Grace O'Malley's because it was the worst excuse for an Irish Pub ever...
maybe this is where that guy is going to put his tattoo parlour. He said Michigan Avenue. lol
Why is it that some people in the South Loop just can't be happy for others to have success, even it it is not a place or business they frequent, as long as they are clean, honest, and do not attrack free-loaders and knuckleheads?
You sound like that 'Cratchety chick' that writed for the Chicago Journal.
I have been to Scout once, looks classy inside, and, being married will likely only get there once or twice a year, and have never been to Flo & Santos. Regardless, I hope Scout and Flo succeed. Them faling does not make you a better or worse person.
"being married will likely only get there once or twice a year"
Whiipppppsssshhhh. ;-)
I heard that Donna's was doing so well they were expanding for a second location.
Scout is great if you're looking for an upscale "Bridgeport meets Jersey Shore meets Mundelein" vibe.
Sounds like that vibe turns you off....strange that you chose to live in the southloop ( right next to bridgeport).
Sounds like Donna's is a little more "your speed".
When you're looking for a sports bar that smells like self tanner and Axe body spray, Scout fills the bill. It's cozy like those cute places in Downer's Grove, and you never have to worry about not seeing a television the whole time you're there!
lol...I love the 3% of folks in the south loop that hate The Scout.
so bitter and CHILDISH
Didn't know having an opinion was childish, but I always thought name-calling was.
It's cause the Scout is a 'bro' bar. It's like a bud light and miller lite commercial rolled into a bar. I'm surprised they don't require you to chest bump the hostess upon entrance.
can't the Sloop have just one "bro bar"? What's the problem? Beer, sports, tv's, America.
A bar with no tv's, no beer, and no sports is called a coffee shop.
"namecalling" lol! grow up!
Your opinion is very slanderish and very on sided. The lack of maturity in your post made me think you're childish. Sorry if the truth hurts.
personally it sounds as if youre someone who has been rejected by lots of girls thus creating bitter hatred toward anythingnew and exciting where 20 and 30 somethings can hang out and enjoy themselves. Get a life
other than stupid jokes, can anybody actually comment on the bar itself? I have been to this place and enjoyed myself, I know everyone else i was with did too. service was prompt, beer was cold and they had anll the games on. Food looked good too.
is this one of those things were ugly people get mad because its not a dimmly lit corner pub where people can goto hide and cry? Seems like it.
well I think the scout haters have successfully been put in their place
high-five Lily!
I think a lot of people love the South Loop because it's not Lincoln Park. It's not Wrigleyville. 21 year olds don't graduate from college and hustle off to live in apartments in this area. And that's why I live here - to get away from that.
So when a place like the Scout opens up and brings the Lincoln Park and Wrigleyville bravado into the neighborhood, it rubs a lot of people the wrong way. I'm all for something different and unique. But the Scout is the reason I don't live up North so I can understand the negative attitude towards this place.
Actually there are alot of kids who move to the south loop now and rent
I wouldnt say that scout all of a sudden transforms the sloop into lincoln park. Sounds like more of an angry generalization. I f you don't like it, don't go in. its as simple as that!
there is literally nothing to complain about. Theres no noise, no rough housing outside, it doesnt create traffic, it literally is a harmless place.
So what is so "lincoln park about it"? The fact that younger people are there? I dont think younger people having a beer and watching the hawks game on a friday night changes your life in any way shape or form
The people that are afraid of the south loop taking on a "wrigleyville bravado" are clinically insane. Basically youre upset that you didnt hang out with the cool kids in high school and this place reminds you of your own failed dreams of glory..... truly sad
You're basically saying, "well i came to the south loop to hide and this place makes it harder to accomplish"
If you hate bros you probably shouldn't live next door to a major sports venue anyways...
There has to be at least two or three Scout employees that hang out in these comment threads. Why so defensive? People can't criticize a sports bar without getting personally attacked?
Saying Scout = Brideport/jersey shore trash personally attacks those who choose to enjoy the establishment doesn't it?
I think the reactions on here are from those people that feel insulted by those remarks...
Read the whole thread next time. And no-- I don't work at scout, I'm a personal banker with Chase who wanted to read more about the activity at O'Malleys and instead I get caught up with the Sloopin.com narcissitic blowhards. Goodbye folks
[Theres no noise, no rough housing outside, it doesnt create traffic, it literally is a harmless place.]
You must have gone at a different day than I. There was football being played outside by many employees and they were hitting cars with their football. Also a few patrons were revving their motorcycles loudly and causing issues by blocking vehicles in the street. If this is harmless fun then so be it. But the last time I checked this doesn't happen at other restaurants/bars in the area.
There was a red ferrari parked outside of southcoast sushi last tuesday that was loud and reved their engine a few times.
I was tempted to call the cops and complain about the noise but then I relized that would be the gayest thing in the world to do.
@ Josh -
So now you slander gay people too? Stay classy.
slander? lol-- even my gay friends say "oh thats gay"
Nice try on changing the subject after I completely owned you
You're right, you owned me. Let's do a chest bump and celebrate how great we are over a few miller lites at the Scout. We'll sing along to rap songs and high five each other when our teams score.
youre a sad bitter person. I am happy that you are so unhappy. Go play on the Dan Ryan...
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