Buried in a Tuesday Sun-Times article, is a bit about East-West University announcing plans for a 17-story dorm building at 825 S Wabash. Reliable sleuth
Spyguy, over at SSP, cast a brighter light on the info with renderings from architect Holabird & Root. According to the Sun-Times and East-West's own literature, the building will room 220 students, with space for an auditorium, gym, food court, and library. Some basic green features are thrown in (can you say PR?), and the University claims to be striving for LEED certification. Efficient heating and cooling systems and a green roof are the main components. Responding to student demand, this will be the first on-campus housing.
This is absolutely fantastic news! There are a lot of high profile vacant lots along South Wabash and a dorm will only add to vibrancy of the neighborhood. Supposedly construction will start in December and be completed for the 2013 school year.
(Image from Curbed Chicago)
"Lots of vacant lots along Wabash."
Yeah, because East-West University tore down two vintage film exchange buildings on this site year before last.
So what--the buildings were garbage---grow up and face the reality of growth---move to the suburbs then
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