
Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Regarding the Flo & Santos Expansion...

About a month ago we had a post looking at various construction projects around the Sloop. One of those being an apparent expansion behind the warm and cosy Flo & Santos restaurant/pub (1310 S. Wabash).

Besides a plethora of comments on that post, a reader sent us the following tidbit:

Regarding Flo & Santos Expansion...

It's happening. They are building out the back room to mirror what already exists in the front room. There will be a bar and seats just like the front. The kitchen sits right in the middle of the first floor of that building, so they can feed out to both rooms pretty seamlessly. One of the friendly barkeeps told me this.
We haven't corroborated this, but it seems feasible to us.

(Hat tip: ZM!)


  1. Great news. Does anyone know the completion target date?

  2. Beer Garden next door?

  3. It is so small that you had to figure if they proved the concept they would eventually build out. I hope they build out the menu. It is a bit thin. Also, maybe they could let me just have a beer every so often without pushing food on me. I will let you know if I want/need food.


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