Any idea if any part of Wabash Ave. will actually be closed over the weekend for the Bash on Wabash? We live at 1440 S. Wabash and are wondering (hoping) if we'll be able to get in/out of our garage at all over the weekend...Anyone have the answer to this one?
Also, what's the deal with the corn theme? Can't remember.
The Sadies are great, and am so excited to see ? and the Mysterians .... Reggies did the booking for the music this year.
Does anyone know if they added any local food or alcohol stands? If I remember correctly there was only one of each the last few years and not associated with anything in the south loop.
Omer Asik is MC'ing Sunday's festivities.
pretty lame joke if you ask me. You must have run out of things to do little man
Apparently the theme is "Sweet Corn Chicago" ....
All I can say is, huh? But the music looks fun. One thing I saw said some foodtrucks were going to be stopping by ...
Why wasn't this promoted more effectively?? I've seen no signs or social media posts from any of the usual online blogs until a couple of days ago. It's hard to expect people from other neighborhoods to come to the South Loop for this festival if most of the neighborhood doesn't have any idea this is happening! I'm only posting this hoping that someone from the "Bash" reads it and plans accordingly for the future.
Agree - if it were not for Reggies doing all the work, this does event does not happen.
A friend who is tight with some of the Reggies’ management and special event folks told me how shocked the Reggies’ team was with the incompetency of this events organizers. He told me about how poor the lack of commitment, planning, marketing, and general knowledge forced ultimately forced Reggies to have to take more control of the event late in the game. He thinks excuse that the date be moved due to the street work was pure hogwash, as others had proposed alternate locations, but the disorganization was caused by permit application errors and tardiness.
It is likely Reggies would be better off putting on a much better and tighter event by themselves. My friend indicate he thinks that Reggies will go solo on this in the future, or look for another partner.
Just saw them setting up when I took the dog out. The street appears only to be closed from 14th St. to the north, not even all the way up to 13th St. It's mainly from the 14th St. intersection up to the vacant lot (next to Utopia Old Hardwoods, etc.). Looks kind of small and a handful of tents for now.
The wife and baby and I were just there. Crowd a little thin, but it was only 1:00. Its not the greatest street fest in the history of the world and a little small, but the bad line-up is rad. Can get a beer for $4 as well - so that's not so bad. I'd give it a shot for a few hours.
Agree on the event notices. These clowns can't get out of their own way. Considering Wiski and NIU were playing to a crowded Soldiers Field, you would think before the game they would have spent time advertising to fan bases, then handing out $250 worth of fliers around the Soldier Field exits before and after the event. What a bunch of clueless nimrods.
Did anyone sign up to volunteer to help plan or organize the event?
How can people be so critical when they've done nothing to make things better.
I wonder how different this blog would be if you didn't allow people to post anonymously for 1 week. So easy to be critical when you don't have to be held accountable.
Went Last Night. Good Music. The mechnical bull was awesome. Quality Beer offerings. $4 high life.
There are some good things to build on but it was poorly promoted and the crowd was very small.
I think there were twice as many people at The Scout.
I volunteered after last years event. I think it was a week after. I never got a call or email. I even sent an inquiry email and got no response.
This event blows because I didnt have anything to do with it
Jeff you pretty much ruin this blog for everyone.
we stopped by. it was a sad event. hastily put together. almost a scam if you ask me. they practically "force" people for $5 "donation" and it really was a sad event. i've seen garage sales draw a bigger crowd.
there were several post here with people inquiring about when this was going to be held. it sounds to me they just slacked off and put this together last minute to make some money. shame on you.
I would rather they not have this event. When you compare this to a fest like the ones on Lincoln, taylor street, randolph, etc this just makes us look low budget/small potatos.
You would think a neighborhood with with as high an income as the S Loop does that we could throw together a decent fest---
Yeah I would just put the kabosh on the altogether
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