Saw some activity in the old GNC space (730 S. Dearborn) tonight with a tiny sign about H+ records.
And found this:
I think at one point there was an entry about them being further south, maybe even on wabash. Looks like they settled in Printers Row. Yippe!
Yes, we did a post about H+ Records looking for space back in February. For those interested check out there website or maybe check out a party they're having tonight at the new space:
Ahoy folks, been awhile. In honor of putting name to lease, we will be throwing a little party in the future H+ Records store. On Friday, 9/23, from 8pm to 12pm, we will host a little event in empty and unimproved space. There will be some booze, music, hopefully dancing, and the current vinyl inventory if you want to buy something. Also there will be paint and other drawing implements to let you put whatever artwork you want on the walls. I hope to see everyone there.(Hat tip: TR!)
I am delighted at this news. AWESOME.
To anyone living in that area: Beware. The boyz at Succeez (1300 block of south michigan) threw a similar shin-dig right after opening, which resulted in throngs of misfits brawling into the early morning hours all over the block. I would have CPD on speed dial tonight if your family lives in Printers Row.
I wish them well. Welcome to the neighborhood.
what? are you serious? is this a real comment?
that cant be a real comment. go back to the suburbs.
BEWARE Sandmeyers bookstore is going to have a book reading later. CALL THE RIOT POLICE!!!
To anyone living in South Loop: Beware. Some of the commenters on Sloopin' are ignorant fools. Instead of welcoming new businesses to the neighborhood, they spout off at the mouth with stereotypes and generalizations. I would have your mouse on that scroll down button if you want to avoid reading their mindless drivel.
I dont like record stores therefore I dont approve of this ...
Good thing you can't brawl in skinny jeans. Hope there is ample bike parking.
WHAT! You are comparing the crowd that attended/attends Succezz to H+ Records?! I do not think you realize who is running H+...stop by and check it out.
I certainly understand those concerns, it is meant to be a low-key affair, and we won't be tolerating any drunk and disorderly. In addition we will wind down the party at a relatively early hour. I have no intentions of souring relations with my neighbors the first night. Other than that, come on by, have a drink, write something on my walls, check out my stock and what the store will eventually look like in a few weeks when all the work is done.
@ ANON 9:38. These are "hipsters" not a "boyz" crowd.
Expect thick glasses, cheap wine and college kids.
Also, it should be noted, that the invite for the party was on their blog, NOT a public invite. I think it will be fine.
Amazing! cant wait to check it out. Welcome to the Neighborhood!!
Hplus, congrats and best of luck. in all seriousness though, like any new business you would be served well by going to the 1st District police station at 18th )or invite them over), and introduce yourself to the Commander Kennedy, the beat leaders, and perhaps the CAPS Coordinator, etc. and also give them a heads up on the event. A great relationship with them is helpful in many phases in the long run.
They're probably going to be smoking cigarettes out on the sidewalk dirtying up our streets. UUUGH!
Excited to have you in the neighborhood and to hopefully buy some stuff tonight!
Apparently people get their lulz by pretending to be other people on the internet. Then post wacky comments here.
Hilarity ensues.
I much prefer smoking music lovers on our street, then the spill over from the homeless pancake breakfast every saturday morning sleeping in the park while the farmers market goes on!
Also, I hope these record stores have plenty of disco and indian hip hop. I like to play that music when my boyfriend is over.
I am not me. Myself, that is not who this is.
Just want to be clear.
Seriously, trolling a blog about the South Loop? Sorry your life turned out so bad.
Cool to see something taking up some space. More foot traffic for Printer's Row is a good thing. I'd love to see a bakery.
Will there be Turkish music?
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