A reader writes:
Hey Sloopin,We don't know much about this building, but hopefully one of our readers does. Anyone?
I live in Chess Lofts and I know for most it's Near South but still curious if there's any news on the old RR Donneley Building on Prairie, Calumet and 21st. There are signs posted "Under new management" and I saw cement trucks near the building last weekend.
We did find this in Wikipedia, but it doesn't get to the question (it simply provides the history).
(Hat tip: SB!)
According to the TIF documents the city kept sending me some months ago... "Near South" basically starts on Congress. I'm pretty sure all you property owners got numerous letters discussing something about Near South TIF Amendment No.5 Boundary Map. Anyway, that Chest Loft area really changed a lot in recent years. Just needs more people walking around.
as far as I know the Donnely building is a state of the art tech center. You wouldnt notice it from the exterior. I cant imagine that changing any time soon. They roof of the building has an enormous cooling system installation in order to keep all the tech stuff cool. Maybe they building managers are changing or something, but from what I know several tech companies occupy different floors of the building.
That building is a state of the art major Data Center. http://www.telx.com/Facilities/telxs-chicago-colocation-a-interconnection-facility.html
So the plan is probably to keep expanding the data resource part of it.
Lakeside Technology Center is one of the world's largest internet data centers.
The question is about the building adjacent to the one pictured here. I think it's pretty clear the data center isn't going anywhere, but the building directly west of it has been an eye sore and that's the one that say's under new management.
Interesting that it is Chicago's second biggest consumer of electricity, behind only O'hare airport in terms of power consumption.
So no answer then?
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