Is it a sign that retail is coming since the "for lease" sign at the Roosevelt CTA entrance has come down?

Anyway, we will wait and see what happens with this space. We assume it would be a popular spot given the amount of traffic that passes through on a constant basis.
Assuming we had free choice, what would you like to see come to this space?
My vote is for a small clinic that offers affordable sponge baths and vasectomies for all of the local vagrants.
I don't see why there isn't a News Agent here - every major city has these in virtually every train stop.
That, or the clinic as Anon 10:45 mentioned...
I was thinking a Donna's Express... Love her stuff!
The Donna Express comment.... Really?
Insert sarcastic sigh and disbelief.
Nice move though if someone from the restaurant posted the comment. Well played.
Since both Jewel and Walgreens are in spitting distance, I don't really see the necessity of a news stand. Maybe since it's a pretty big hub for passengers to and from Midway, a little tourist shop with some kitchy Chicago knick knacks and t-shirts would draw some decent business.
Knowing the CTA, they will set up a fast food vendor so that riders can then bring it on the trains to cause even greater trash, spill and smell. I wish they would run the lines as they do in Washington, DC where the trains seem to be really clean and people get tickets and fines for bring food or drink on the train.
South Loop Brewing Company...if the CTA would allow it.
I heard Paula Deen is opening a take-out stand at this spot.
Takeout, fruit stand, donuts
The opportunities are limitless... Aerosol Paint Can Stand, Leather Goods Stand--emphasis on men's belts, Garbage Recycling Stand--this is the 'green' part of the Sloop, and the demand would be unending for a Pigeon Boardinghouse.
I think a newsstand/snack & fruit stand is a good idea. When you're in a hurry, who wants to go into the Walgreens and wait forever? On that subject, is the reason they don't have self checkout that they're worried about theft or do they just not want to invest in it?
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