As a bonus here is a shot we took recently. As you may or may not notice, it appears that Gioco has been given the planters that used to be in front of Red Light (or was it Opera or Marche?). They are in between the trees in the picture. The trees also got some new lights shinning on them. You know we love decorative lighting....

Went back once they re opened and wow it is HORRIBLE. I was a very loyal customer before they temporarily closed. Went back and it looks like the wait staff and chefs are new. The food was horrible. The menu was paired down and more expensive. The food was terrible. I post this with a heavy heart because I really did love this place when they were actually Gioco. This place is a shell of what it is used to be.
And, in related news another Kleiner project "Club 33" in Old Town closed Sunday with similar tax/Alcohol License problems. This can't end well.
Heard through the grapevine that Giocco was superficially spruced up and hastily re-opened because the owner had plans to entertain folks during the restaurant show this week. Look for the rapid decline to continue once the show closes.
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