The flyers recently passed around in Printers Row and the South Loop regarding a proposed fossil fuel power plant are completely false.
Although we don't know who is behind this or what their motivation was, it did generate a chuckle from us (once it was exposed).
It appears that there was also a lengthy discussion on this topic on Yelp.
We also just were sent two pictures of "protesters" at the "proposed site":

Whatever it is, we've enjoyed it.
(Hat tip: JR!)
Maybe a student prank or some kind of art project? If so, fantastic work. Hope they get an A.
This was probably done by whoever had proposed the Willis Tower solar/wind energy farm to generate conversation.
Alderman's office said that it is an environmental group that is trying to gain support for protests to shut down the Pilsen plant. Based on the outrage, clearly not the best way to get people to support you ... really this had the opposite impact - yeah, you got us made about a coal plant in our backyards, but you certainly didn't get us to like you!
LOL - have to admit, whoever is behind it did a good job.
It's not about liking anyone. This is one of those things where you notice people/famous people start to help with a cause...ONCE IT HITS HOME. This is a pretty big deal and if you are able to join the fight to shut down the plants in Pilsen it is beneficial to everyone.
Shut down the plants in Pilsen? That plant has likely been there longer than 95% of the residents of Pilsen or the South Loop or Bridgeport!
It would be nice if the South Loop and Pilsen weren't turned into NIMBY suburbs hidden from all externalities.
Below is a statement on behalf of my client, Midwest Generation, regarding the hoax:
A letter and pamphlet circulated in recent days to residents of the South Loop and a press release issued today claiming to be from Midwest Generation to announce construction of a power plant in the city are fake.
The materials also refer to a fake Midwest Generation website and twitter account, and have photos and names of supposed Midwest Generation employees which are also fake. Those behind this hoax also misappropriated Midwest Generation's letterhead and logo.
None of these materials came from Midwest Generation, which owns six power plants and a wind farm in the state of Illinois. Midwest Generation is not building a new plant in the city of Chicago.
There also was a protest against the fake plant on April 27 near the intersection of Harrison and Wells. It is unclear if the "protesters" were the perpetrators of the fraud or were duped by it.
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