Do you know of any soccer, basketball, kickball, etc. intramural leagues in our area. I know there are plenty of 'Chicago' leagues but it would be nice to be a part of something that incorporates our neighborhood and plays it games in our area. Just a thought...

Some of the gyms in the neighborhood like Xsport, LA Fitness and FFC have basketball courts, swimming, racquetball courts, yoga, rock climbing, yada yada yada...
If you're looking for something else a little more structured, we would suggest looking at Chicago Sport and Social or Player Sports Group (there are probably others as well). There are softball and soccer leagues that play in Grant Park that would be very convenient for people wishing to play in the Sloop and enjoy our magnificent skyline. Maybe some of you would be interested in forming a Sloopin team in one of these leagues???? If so speak up.
Are we forgetting anything?
When are the soccer games??? I'd love to know of any pick up soccer games in the SLoop
I definitely feel the same way. Would participate in pick-up soccer or basketball in SLoop if available. Would consider joining a intramural team as well...
Instead of pursing athletic teams you should join our running club! You won't be disappointed!
Monkey Bar Gym has a cool article in Muscle & Fitness Magazine. They also are offering 1 week free in March.
There is a outdoor basketball court at the SE corner of State/18th St. However this is a true street ball court. It sits under the L and there are cracks on the ground. However both goals do have nets. There are a lot of local kids from the hood that play there. From time to time you can get a decent pick up game.
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