Fioretti's been talking like a candidate for mayor for some time, and now...
FIORETTI: I have made it public that I will be seeking the position of mayor of the city of Chicago.
A formal campaign kickoff could come as soon as next Wednesday, complete with a campaign platform.
FIORETTI: How we survive in the next five years, how we create multiple budget analysis for the city, how we bring in jobs, how we deal with the public safety issues and education.
Thursday, September 30, 2010
It's Official, Bob Running for Mayor
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Pita Corner and India Grill Appear to Have Problems
Dear Sloopin,Has the India Grill closed?It seems to always be dark and closed these days.
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Monday, September 27, 2010
Fioretti a Proponent of a Downtown Casino?
A Chicago alderman who's mulling a race for mayor proposed Tuesday that McCormick Place East be converted into a giant, but temporary, casino and that Chicago begin the search for a permanent gambling site.
Ald. Robert Fioretti (2nd) mentioned as possible sites for a permanent casino the 37-acre former site of Michael Reese Hospital, the old Chicago post office and 67 vacant acres at Roosevelt Road and Clark Street once owned by convicted businessman Antoin "Tony" Rezko, a friend and major fundraiser for former Gov. Rod Blagojevich.
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Colosimo's Restaurant on HBO's Empire Boardwalk
We won't ruin the show, but the infamous Chicago Gangster "Big Jim Colosimo" goes to Atlantic City for some "business". He then returns to Chicago and is hanging out at his restaurant "Colosimo's" in the Sloop (used to be at 2128 S. Wabash) where he was shot dead. Although that was the extent of the role for the neighborhood, it was still interesting to randomly see that piece of South Loop history.
If you're interested here is a link with more information and pictures of Colosimo's.
Thanks to this weeks Sponsor: Infinity Strategic Group
Infinity Strategic Group specializes in estate planning and is offering Sloopin readers a free consultation. If you're interested please click on this link to go to their site.
You will find the ad on the right side of the page for the rest of the month, so thanks to them and please call to setup an appointment!
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Olympic Deja Vu?
The United States Olympic Committee has not ruled out a bid for the 2020 Summer
Olympics and the timing of the process makes it likely 2016 loser Chicago would be its most viable candidate."I think it would be challenging for any other city to organize a bid in that time frame but not impossible," U.S. Olympic Committee chairman Larry Probst told the Tribune after delivering his state of the USOC address to the organization's general assembly Friday.
Friday, September 24, 2010
Shootings in the Sloop (the good kind!)

Thursday, September 23, 2010
In Search of a Work/Study Spot in the Sloop
I often have meetings/work sessions for a non-profit in the evening. I already work from home so I need to get out of my place to stay focused. Is there a cafe or something like it that Southloopers can recommend where I can work? Preferably something open until midnight with wifi access.
We know of the Panera (State and Congress), the Caribou Coffee (9th and Wabash), or the Panera in Southgate Market (Roosevelt and Canal) but besides that we're unsure of other spots in the Sloop. Any suggestions?
It seems like we're missing a mom and pop local place...wish we had one of those in the Sloop!
Maybe the new Gretta's place at 13th and Wabash could fill this void, however we doubt it will be open until midnight.
Correction: We meant Donna's at 13th and State (not Gretta's).
(Hat Tip: AV!)
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Living large like a Chicago Hip-Hop Star in the Sloop

For $2,500 a month, plus $150 per parking, you can live in a 1,248 square-foot, two-bedroom / two-bath condo in the (relatively) new 1400 Museum Park, 100 E 14th St in the South Loop, and have Common as your landlord, according to the Sun-Times.
The South Side native — who, at the best of times, has played ego Kanye’s id — bought the condo a couple years ago for $408,000 and spruced it up with custom lighting, a custom paint job, and built-in closets, says listing agent Jaueline Smith. The home features floor-to-ceiling windows, a separate den / office, a private balcony, and a stone master bath with shower seat sprays. (Smith’s listing mentions views of the Museum Campus, but I don’t see how that’s possible, given that the 09 tier faces west, overlooking Michigan Avenue just north of the 14th Street intersection.)
As a fan of Common's this was intriguing to us. For people who don't know some of his work, here is one of our favorite songs/videos (with some great Chicago scenery):
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Which Cell Network Would Your Recommend in the Sloop?
As a newbie to the South Loop, I was surprised by the lackluster cell phone
reception we get (using Verizon). My plan is up and I'm thinking about
switching... any recs for strong signals in the neighborhood?
Personally, Verizon works pretty good for us.
(hat tip: TJ!)
Monday, September 20, 2010
Creepy Clowns = Halloween in the Sloop
Also, we've been told that the retail space at the corner of 9th and State also has a pop-up store for Haloween. Sounds like the area is covered well for Halloween.
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Thanks to this weeks Sponsor: Infinity Strategic Group

Saturday, September 18, 2010
Gospel Life Church Bringing Faith to Archer and State
I am the pastor of a new church here in the South Loop. We just moved into a retail space on the corner of State and Archer on Sept.1. To celebrate, we want to make an announcement to the South Loop community to join us for our opening service this coming Sunday, September 19 at 10:45 am. Would you be able to make this announcement for us on your blog?
Friday, September 17, 2010
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Progress at the New St. Mary's Church Building
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Expansion is a Good Thing
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
The Annoying Train Horns
Hey Sloopy,Quick question, was just sitting around watching football tonight and it seemed like there were a bunch of LOUD freight trains rolling through the Sloop. My condo isn't really near the tracks (about 4 blocks away) but I hear the horns non-stop tonight. Any ideas? Thanks for your input.
Can you write on your blog commenting on the trains blowing their horns for 10-15 seconds at a time every night? I can't figure out why the trains have been doing this lately...
Has anyone else noticed the excessive train horn blowing that has been coming from the west side of the Sloop?! Any idea what this could be or how we can make it stop? I've especially noticed it at night from about 8-10pm and it has been much louder, frequent and more obnoxious that usual. It seems to be coming from the train station just south of Roosevelt and Clark.
Monday, September 13, 2010
Where Did the Trees Go?
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Friday, September 10, 2010
Prairie District Neighborhood Alliance Block Party
I bet you have already heard, but I wanted to make sure you post (for all south loopers) the upcoming info on the Festival on Prairie Avenue. It is the annual Prairie District Neighborhood Alliance Block Party and it is really a great event, especially for families and people who want to get inside the historic homes. I think a couple thousand people go... I know a ton of people going. Anyway, it is on Saturday, September 11th from 12noon to 6:00pm. Check out the info page on the pdna website for tons of details, there is so much going on at the party.
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Marshalls Opens Today
This is also confirmed on their website:
Happy Shopping!Marshalls - South Gate
1101 South Canal Street Chicago (South Loop), IL 60607
Phone: 312-566-0470
Get driving directions
Grand Opening on September 9, 2010 from 8am to 10pm!
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Rumors Around the Sloop
Have you noticed the PH floor of 1600 Prairie lately?According to other owners in the building, an owner of a popular downtown Chicago club purchased all of the units on the PH floor and combined all of the units (3-4) into a sort-of after-party penthouse type dwelling complete with a giant naked greek goddess mural near the entrance. Noticeable from most parts of our neighborhood are the shuffling, colored disco lights that blink 24 hours a day. (Check 'em out) Apparently, all sorts of...ahem...interesting types make their way in and out of the place."I guess we'll see what this does to our community and property values," was the last thing the owners said about it before walking away.Has anyone else caught wind of this?
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Intense Fire at 1326 S. Michigan this Morning
If you were like us this morning, you woke up to a blinking alarm clock and noise from a hovering helicopter buzzing overhead. Why? according to various media outlets a fire broke out early this morning at 1326 S. Michigan, which is a commercial building that once housed a showroom for potential high rises in the area:
The fire broke out in the 1300 block of South Michigan Avenue at about 2:30 a.m., was quickly raised to two alarms and then to a third alarm about two hours later. Firefighters arrived to find flames shooting through the roof and tried to keep the fire from being spread by winds gusting up to 30 mph.
The roof of the building eventually collapsed. At 4:30 a.m., blue flames still could
be seen at the rear of the structure and Peoples Gas Co. was called to the scene. The fire was brought under control around 6:30 a.m.
Around 8:30am it was still a chaotic scene as police and fire fighters were still working on the blaze. Michigan Avenue was closed down south of Roosevelt, making the other streets unusually busy.
Below is a picture submitted by a resident from 13th and Indiana:
A Little Chicken Fried and a Beautiful View on a Thursday Night
Monday, September 6, 2010
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Heard on the Streets of the Sloop...
Do you like your job ruining peoples days?
Saturday, September 4, 2010
Bash on Wabash Kicks Off Today

Friday, September 3, 2010
A Sink Hole at Cullerton & Prairie
So my neighbors and I are wondering what the deal is with the huge gaping hole at Cullerton & Prairie. It started as a 2 foot by 2 foot sink hole-looking thing 2 weeks ago, and after the City, Peoples Gas & Water Reclamation came out...and looked at it, made it 50 times bigger, then looked at it some more, it's just been blocked off with barriers. No work has been done at all. It's definitely an eyesore and not to mention horrible for thru traffic. Can you get any scoop?
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Shots Around the Sloop: Bumble Bee Transformer
