Over the weekend we linked to a post from the CTA Tattler about people slipping through the turnstiles at the unmanned red line entrance at Polk and State.
Well after reading that blog again it appears like the CTA took quick action fixing this problem.
Before the problem:

....and it's fixed:

(Images From: CTA Tattler)
Have the CTA ever moved so quickly? They are doing a great job [sarcasm].
I feel like you guys are that tattle tale during elementary school that ruined a good thing for people. How about we worry about how the CTA completely mismanages their budget. I feel pretty good concluding that a few people who can get a free ride won't bankrupt the system. Way to look out for a company that doesn't look out for us.
Spoken like a true leech.
Allocating funds to stop unauthorized free rides is a great use of budget funds.
I am guessing you are not a taxpayer or you don't understand how taxes work. You are probably not a business owner either.
Knowingly letting people get free rides is budget mismanagement.
I have been a tax payer/home owner in the sloop for over six years and have a very clear understanding of budgets. If you read my post I have no issues with the CTA fixing the problem it is with the attention payed by concerned citizens for something so trivial. I might also add that you are easily impressed if you defend CTA for all of their mistakes because they plugged a small loophole that allowed a few people to get a free ride. You should really read more carefully before you refer to someone as a leach. My guess you are some privileged liberal with your head in the clouds to real issues that effect the sloop that doesn't understand things like the Illinois school systems are one of the worst funded in the country or that Cook County has one of the most mismanaged budgets and highest sales tax in the country. But you should feel good spending your time defending an idea you misread and caring about something so trivial as some people who may get free rides.
I didn't misread anything. You just need to type what you mean.
"I feel like you guys are that tattle tale during elementary school that ruined a good thing for people." - You clearly like to get stuff for free at the expense of others. leach.
"How about we worry about how the CTA completely mismanages their budget." -since the CTA spent money from their budget to fix this, it would follow that you don’t approve of this fix...or if you were talking about the bigger picture, start a new thread instead of contributing to a trivial one. You and I are currently the top contributors of this post. Since there are over 2 million people in chicagoland area, it is safe to say that most everyone else is probably looking out for the bigger picture and not micro-criticizing one tiny issue.
"I feel pretty good concluding that a few people who can get a free ride won't bankrupt the system." True, but again you condone giving away stuff that should be purchased. Fare from riders is the way the CTA gets most of its budget money. It’s interest free too. Knowingly letting them ride for free condones mismanagement.
“Way to look out for a company that doesn't look out for us.” - The CTA is owned and operated by the people of Illinois...or more importantly, your neighbors. Get to know them.
Stop bitching and give a compliment when it is deserved. They did a good job when they fixed the gap. Let them know it.
Entertaining thread. "Angry Anon," my only point of disagreement is that it is "affect" not "effect." Other than that, you are spot on. For the sloopin' community, I think that there are far more expansive gripes to be championed against the CTA's misuse of nearly every cent of funding, and that free ride loophole just continues to show that their revenue stream is more important to them than their allocation of it, indicative of the growing problem in Chicago of fund appropriation (I giggle at the use of growing as if hasn't fully bloomed and produced offspring that also misappropriate funds). I think that a couple of what it appears to be "skinny" college kids getting a free ride should not be a point of as Angry Anon put it: tattling. As a resident and taxpayer? I agree. Web space could be better spent not picking on kiddies that are trying to fight the system, god bless them. Heaven forbid affluent seniors pay for their ride. Again, Overly Defensive Anon, you can go ahead and resort to playground name-calling, and referring to me as a, ahem, a leech, but I think that only exacerbates the point that this was a very juvenile move and blog point. But hey what do I know? I only pay a lot of taxes and use the CTA daily....
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