We've noticed this mostly around Jewell:
Can we start a movement such as signs, stickers, or posters, to bring awareness to the madness of all of the chicken bones thrown casually on the sidewalks of the sloop?? Where do they all come from??? Have the chicken wing lovers of the sloop not seen the garbage cans on most street corners!! My dog sure loves to try to Hoover them from the ground and then I get to entertain the people walking by as I try to pry them from her jaws! Please people stop with the litter!!! Madness!
(Hat Tip: RP!)
The chicken bones are coming from homeless people and Jewel...signs and posters will not resolve the problem.
My guess is a large portion of the chicken bone throwing people do not have internet or a computer. I have seen quite a few sitting on the planters on the wabash side of Jewel--asking for a dollar with every toss.
I agree that there are spots with a litter problem in the sloop. I don't understand that people cannot walk 20 feet to a garbage can! It is really disgusting really makes that area look gross! I never venture around the Jewell too much, so I never notice chicken bones, but I notice litter more by the parking lot on Clark and Polk (which seemed to be somewhat cleaned up lately) and also on the 600 S. block of Clark Street. Right by the Dunkin Donuts, Subway and Pat's Pizza is absolutely disgusting! There is trash all over the sidewalk, and tons of cigarette butts all in the tree and flower beds! I am about to complain since it is so wrong! Who do you complain to, call 311? Lets see if anything is done about this! I am about ready to go over there with a broom and clean it up myself.....How can the owners of the businesses over there stand it? Maybe they do not care. I walk by this area everyday going to work and it has been this way for about a month, with no clean up in sight. It it just so wrong!!
If it bothers you so much, why don't you work with the Alderman and Jewel to make sure the sidewalk stays clean? Or better yet, grab a garbage bag and clean it up yourself!
people are just SOOOOO selfish and ignorant-throwing garbage (chicken bones) wherever they want. This is the same mentality the people have who don't clean up their dog's s*#t. If they don't own it (the street in this instance), they DON'T CARE! People have no respect for their neighbors/neighborhood. So if chicken bones on the sidewalk bother us we should quietly pick them up instead of demanding some basic manners from our neighbors?
I was talking to one of the throwers who explained to me that he has been depositing the bones throughout the south loop attempting to grow a chicken. After a brief conversation about the best way to grow a chicken, he started talking to himself and saying all sorts of bad words.
True story: I once found a pile of chicken bones on the candy shelf in jewel. Gross.
I couldn't agree more with this post! I have brought this up several times while complaining about the entire area around the intersection of Roosevelt and Wabash, each time I was roundly attacked as "racist" by fellow neighbors. I'm glad to see that others are now joining my point-of-view (thanks, Sloopy!).
There are chicken bones all over the street, parking lot, and sidewalks near Jewel. Even more disturbing: Jewel has 24-hour security personnel that patrol the entire area and do absolutely nothing!
We ought to sign a petition!
Security people are generally not responsible for cleaning parking lots. Jewel is responsible for having someone clean it, though. It would probably be most productive to begin by talking with Jewel to see what efforts they are already making and how they could possibly be improved. If they prove uncooperative, then perhaps it would make sense to escalate to the alderman.
It is quite possible that they are already doing the best they can, considering that they are a 24-hour store, have a large parking lot, and are in a high foot and car traffic area. Parking lots in general tend to have some amount of litter, and to my eye, the few chicken bones scattered around the parking lot are not that unusual.
The reason why accusations of racism might be prompted by this topic are two-fold:
1. Often such comments are off-topic (not here obviously). If a comment isn't prompted by the topic, it is likely prompted by some other internal motivation.
2. Some believe that the amount of chicken bones specifically in the Jewel parking lot is not excessive, and is likely periodically cleaned by Jewel (as the amount seems to remain constant). Most people will not consistently complain about something that is either under control or at least being addressed to the to the maximum extent legally possible. Continuing to bring up such an issue suggests some other internal motivation.
Note that this motivation does not necessarily have to be racism, and could just be an obsession with this particular issue.
We need to start doing like Singapore caning people for throwing trash on the ground.
let's stop cleaning up for/helping these people and get rid of them.
The stance of "Sloopy" becomes pretty clear when race-baiting articles like this are posted, comments calling for a violent extrajudicial response (I'll let you guess the other word for this) to a group of people are allowed, and more moderate comments are denied. This will be my last post on this website.
That JEWEL IS GHETTO. What did you expect. People get all bent out of shape...parts of the south loop are ghetto!!! End of story
Ghetto is the perfect word to describe the entire "scene" around the corner of Wabash and Roosevelt. Mix in a little strewn chicken bone action with homeless (?) peeps hangin all over the Starbucks patio, an abundance of smokers and taggers at each entrance to the eL, the guys who hang at the entrance to dunkin donuts, etc. What's extremely sad is that this is the "front door" to our neighborhood and quite often the first (and only) impression people visiting from other parts of the city have of the Sloop.
And while we're bitching about the chaotic scene in/around Jewel, can someone please tell me: what is up with all the jaywalkers around this intersection?!?! I cannot believe that there isn't an accident on a daily basis involving some lazy moron who runs across the middle of the street from Jewel to the BP rather than walk the extra 1/16 of a mile to the crosswalk along Roosevelt. Or the teenage mother who drags her 3 kids across 4 lanes of traffic after exiting the eL to cross Roosevelt rather than walk 10 yards in either direction to a marked crosswalk.
Why do people believe this to be a racially provocative issue? This was posted because it is an issue, and one that has nothing to do with race. It has to do with discarded trash left all over the streets of our neighborhood.those that seek to make it a racial issue do so on their own. I posted this to the website after the fourth incident this summer when my dog found one of these nasty bones on the street. These bones are dangerous if ingested by dogs thus a little bit of effort to dispose of these bones correctly can go a long way. As a dog owner I clean up after my dog and expect my neighbors to clean up after themselves. Period.
a pig is a pig, black or white. If you throw your trash on the street, harass others for money while refusing to work, you are a waste of space. If you call this position racial, perhaps you are finding it identifies too closely with your race; therein the problem you have is with your race, not the observers who point these things out.
Contact the aldermans office to remove all the homeless bums and that will solve the chicken bones. The more people complain, the faster they will act.
The chicken bones spread all the way down Wabash past 15th, and over to Michigan Avenue as well. I already have one emergency vet bill from my dog swallowing one before I could get it out of his mouth. I pick them up with dog-poop bags when I see them, but it is disgusting and something should be done about it. I've called the Alderman's office 4 times in the hopes of having another garbage can installed on the 1400 block of Wabash (where they seem to be particularly prevalant) but I've been blown off so far.
These people are transients, they don't live here and are usually just biding time at Jewel until their bus comes--they don't care and never will care about our neighborhood or keeping it clean. Ever notice the similar Cheetos bag problem? Hmmmm. Real tough to figure out who drops those. You can't miss these people, they're huge.
Ultimately it's Jewels responsibility to keep the sidewalks clean or stop selling this garbage.
These are the same people who park in no parking zones along michigan ave, put their blinkers on (if that), and disappear for an hour. Or the people who think slowing down, as opossed to stopping, at a stop sign will suffice. Or people who think nothing of flipping a U-turn in the middle of the street if they spy a parking spot across the street.
I have dogs too and find it to be a problem with them eating the bones.
More people need to complain to Jewel. It is their responsibility because it's their property. If they don't want to pick up after their lazy customers, they should stop selling the crap in the first place.
We shouldn't worry too much though, people that eat fried chicken usually don't make it past 50. So at least part of the problem will be going away naturally.
Take away the chicken remove the problems... These bones cause more problems than hand guns!
Agreed Tim! This is my last comment as well. So long, Sloopin.
I love how dog-obsessed people are making this all about canine safety. Listen, I'm not a dog-hater or anything; however, I'm a bit more concerned about the human beings in this neighborhood that take pride in where they live having to deal with the fact that a huge population of morons keep thinking they exist in a bubble, and that it is okay to throw fried chicken wings, cigarette butts, empty liquor bottles, etc. wherever they please. It's more than a bit disturbing and frustrating. The suburbs are looking better and better every time I walk to/from the Roosevelt eL station.
I'm calling Jewel today. Please follow my lead.
You can't change the people that eat fried chicken...EVER--they don't care about their bodies or their neighborhoods why would they care about our sidewalks? And don't give people any crap, it's the same way in some neighborhoods with Mountain Dew bottles.
When fried chicken is outlawed, only outlaws will have fried chicken.
Maybe we should suggest Jewel only sell boneless wings from now on. Their chicken tenders are very tasty!
I once saw a woman eating from the chicken wing bar, then complained to management that she didn't like the wings SHE HAD NOT PAID FOR.
We are not shopping at the Jewel on DesPlains...it's totally out of our way, but worth it for the nicer store and better service.
While we're on the subject of complete idiots breaking even the most routine traffic laws, can someone please let me know why the no parking / tow zone at the corner of 16th and Michigan is never enforced? Especially along 16th street, where every morning there are cars lined up all along the street right next to the "no stopping, no standing" signs. The obscene level of blatent disrespect for the law is sick! To make matters worse, most of these motorists then flip a U-turn from their illegal parking spot before speeding east on 16th. All with a donut in their mouth and a latte in their chubby hand.
To those of you so inclined to mock the situation at and around the intersection by Jewel, take a stroll over there this morning. Another warm night followed by a morning of waking up to gang tagging all over the place! The windows of Bongo Room and Yangs are covered! Thanks neighbors! Also, a big thank you to the person who left a massive pile of vommit at the bus shelter on Roosevelt just east of State. And to the "lady" stadning outside the eL station blowing smoke at everyone walking into the station (and to the lazy CTA brick sitting on her butt inside not doing anything about it!).
To the comment above: you believe in signs too much. Perhaps people disregard those signs because that is a dumb place for such signs. We will all have respect for the law when the law has respect for us.
As for fried chicken, perhaps it is just another problem for which there is no solution. If we close the Jewel or get the Jewel to serve only boneless chicken, Harold's is just up the street. Fried chicken will always find a way!
As a trade-off, perhaps this will curb some of the dog poop issues in the sloop.
Most of the people who litter are basically sociopaths.
I generally pick up trash every day while I'm out walking my dog . . . it pisses me off but at least I feel like I'm doing my small part. The garbage situation has indeed gotten worse over the last five years or so, I chalk this up to cutbacks in city services/street cleaning.
It's a much more complicated issue than most people realize and the those who are outraged the most pay the highest premium for the consequences.
The coyotes that live on the land west of the railroad track travel to Jewel in the middle of the night and feast on the trash. They leave their chicken bones scattered in the streets and parking lots.
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