As any true Chicagoan knows, the Summer is the time the city explodes with things to do. Whether it's a street fair, a festival or simply just exploring new neighborhoods, people are everywhere enjoying all the Chicago has to offer.
This weekend is no different. Unless you've been under a rock for the last couple of days, the Chicago Blackhawks have won the Stanley Cup and are here to show it off. The city's official celebratory parade is scheduled to commence at 10:30am in the Loop. Although this isn't in the
Sloop expect to see the celebration spill over into our hood as the city is expecting big crowds. We will be there!

Also starting today is the 27th annual Chicago Blues fest in Grant Park. One of the more popular festivals of the summer, this years events is a little less high profile then years past due to Mayor Daley's budget cuts. Regardless, it's a great time if you're looking to enjoy scenic Grant Park and sing away your blues.
On Saturday and Sunday the 2010 Printers Row Lit Fest will kick off and most likely be a big draw for the neighborhood again this year. So if you're around, head on over to Dearborn between Harrison and Polk to enjoy the Midwest's largest free literary event.
What an amazing scene on Friday afternoon! So proud of the Hawks and this city.
It's mind-boggling how 2 million people can gather in the Loop with no reports of violence; while 20 people can't gather on a street corner in Bronzeville or Englewood without someone leaving in a body bag.
I went to the Lit Fest today for a quick walk-through and it seemed to be a big success. There were a lot of people on the streets there and hopefully helped the businesses in the area as well. Hope others will enjoy this local fest as well.
The 2010 edition of Lit Fest seemed to be expanded, which was good to see! More events and more options mean more people and more attention to the event. Overall, I thought the weekend was a success.
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