However, the more interesting development is that a Subway is going to be moving into the prime retail space on the corner.

As always, we like to see stores, restaurants and businesses opening up in the South Loop, so naturally we think this is good for the neighborhood. In a perfect world this high profile spot would have been a nice, unique neighborhood restaurant (which was reported last year by Crain's). However, something is better then nothing in our opinion.
What remains to be seen is whether or not they will have outdoor seating. Typically this isn't the case with subways (as far as we know), but given that the retail space they're occupying looks to have a great outdoor area our guess would be yes.
The other question is what does this mean for the Subway at 13th and Wabash? There is no need to have two Subways in this part of the Sloop so close to each other (not to mention if both could survive). Could this open up a retail spot for another 'local' restaurant or business on South Wabash? We hope so.
As we mentioned in the old post on this subject, Flo & Santos seems to have brought a jolt of energy to 1300 block of Wabash....maybe the momentum can bring another place into the fold.
Further proof that the South Loop is a largw suburban strip mall.
You mean to tell me that not even one of our "local" chains were interested in this spot? Not one! Pathetic.
Not surprising considering that building is a D-U-M-P.
That place is a dump and an eyesore. A dump owned and operated by a politically-connected dirtball.
Not surprised that a very cheap, low end establishment is going on that corner judging by the type of people that hang at that corner/area waiting to catch buses to spots west and south of the sloop. The 3, 4, 1, and 12 buses are gonna be full of discarded subway wrappers now!
Any word on Groupon offers?
For the existing stretch Restaurants of South Wabash (Gioco, etc)where existing Subway store is, not surprising that any of the community groups have done nothing to facilitate improvements or complain about the street condition, etc.
From the Jewel South on Wabash, I would put in a brick paver road, make Wabash more narrow with a wider sidewalk (featuring benches and planters facing away fromt he street), angled parking, at make it more destination oriented, etc. This could highlight and stengthen the existing restaurants and pubs, while encouraging new ones.
Nice idea. The streetscape on both Wabash and State south of Roosevelt is in need of a major revamp. This would encourage new spots and cause the current options to straighten up their act.
If it's corporate, wish it were Jamba Juice. At least it's not Burger King. Speaking of, anyone remember if the retail spot next to Art of Modern Dentistry (14th & Mich) used to be a BK? It looks like it could have been. It's all boarded up right now.
Five dollar footlongs!
"the type of people that hang at that corner/area waiting to catch buses to spots west and south of the sloop."
'type of people' = peaceful law-abiding citizens whose skin does not happen to be lily-white. what a coward the anonymous racist poster in our midst is and continues to be. absolute spineless coward.
I don't see how this Subway at the corner is going to do well. I would choose JJ or Potbelly or Panozzo's around the area any day!
The Subway over on Wabash is one of the nicer ones I've been to in the city. This seems silly.
I'm not a fan of Subway, but I think the negativity by some commenters here is a little overdone. Sure the building isn't that attractive either, but it's one building and I think they've at least done a good job of making it attractive at street level. I fail to see how this is yet another sign of the death of the South Loop when great new places like Flo & Santos are opening up and doing great business. I look forward to the implications this may have on Wabash. Good timing if you ask me.
And please, anon, get real. This is downtown where people pack into buses to get around. If you want quaint, there are some really nice communities down in Florida where golf cart is the main form of transportation.
That's actually a great location for a Subway. You can get the commuter business along with people visiting the park and museums. Make mine tuna!
It could be worse, it could have been a KFC/Taco Bell combo restaurant like you see popping up all over the place.
KFC/Taco Bells are awesome.
Why is this a surprise? This is a VERY low end building with "fast food chain" written all over it!
Additionally, if the people waiting for the westbound 12 bus along the north side of Roosevelt are so "law abiding," then why does our building management have to powerwash graffiti and tagging off the side our building (right next to the bus stop) twice monthly? And why are there piles of discarded cans, paper, trash, etc. which need to be picked up weekly at or near these bus stops every night?
Maybe we can start a neighborhood watch and try to catch people throwing sandwich wrappers on the ground?
Anon, I take the 3 and 4 buses past that building almost every day and I assure you that I have never tagged it. That being said, I usually travel light and have nowhere to stow my Krylon. In fact, now that you mention it, I saw a bunch of ladies with purses today (what are they hiding?). Mighty suspicious.
Good on you Tim for calling out the anon poster.
I like living in this neighborhood because of its diversity (not just racially)--I personally like the fact that we have a range of dining options from Gioco and Firehouse, to Flo & Santos and Potbelly, and yes, even Subway.
Just having a fast food restaurant in the neighborhood isn't responsible for crime either. Plenty of those "lily-white" suburbs have Burger Kings and Taco Bells too, and not just in strip malls.
I don't think anyone attempted to link crime to fast-food chains (maybe the other way around? Think about it.)
Nonetheless, I do agree with the "hated anon" in some regards concerning citizens at or near the bus stops in this corridor. Is it too much to ask to not have smoke blown in your face while you stand at the bus shelter? Do you have to etch your name in spray paint on the side of my building? Must you throw your empty can and smoke butts on the sidewalk rather than in the trash can 20 feet away? I don't care what color your skin is, these are pretty simple requests.
I don't think anyone attempted to link crime to fast-food chains (maybe the other way around? Think about it.)
Nonetheless, I do agree with the "hated anon" in some regards concerning citizens at or near the bus stops in this corridor. Is it too much to ask to not have smoke blown in your face while you stand at the bus shelter? Do you have to etch your name in spray paint on the side of my building? Must you throw your empty can and smoke butts on the sidewalk rather than in the trash can 20 feet away? I don't care what color your skin is, these are pretty simple requests.
I'd like those darned kids to get off my lawn!
I'm all for diversity as well, trust me. However, can you blame me for not wanting it tagging my garage, breaking my car windows, pick-pocketing my wife on the eL, or teaching my 2-year old the f-word and n-word on the bus ride home?
Diversity sounds like it ought to get a job!
I am a little disappointed that a Subway is opening in that building because it is a fast-food place, but I am also glad there will be more publicity for the South Loop that has been up-and-coming.
I disagree with the comments about the building and actually think there should be a nicer restaurant in there. I know a few people who live there and the apartments are great and have nice lighting. They also have a pool, racquetball courts, and a huge workout room and aerobics studio!! The building also provides free coffee!! I am considering moving there...
I live in the building currently and I am pretty excited about the Subway coming here. I know it sounds weird, but I like Subway better than Potbellys and JJ. I wonder if they will deliver...haha.
Anon: If you are going to move in, let me know. $500 move-in referral. We can split it! (That is approximately 50 subway subs for each of us.)
The south loop is great. I disagree that place is a D-U-M-P. However, the intersection of Roosevelt and Michigan is undeniably the windiest corner in Chicago. In particular, the northwest corner of that intersection. Watch out when you have an umbrella open! Besides that minor drawback, I don't see why one wouldn't want to live there.
The wind at that corner is uncanny! While I believe a nicer establishment should open up in 1212, can you imagine a fancy French restaurant having outdoor seating there as initially anticipated, with the gusts of wind rolling the capers off your steak tartare and blowing over the accompanying cones of pommes frites? The soothing serenades of the restaurant would also feature a whistle-blowing traffic controller virtuoso, as the #3 and #4 buses blow exhaust onto your foie gras.
Subway is open. Walked by last night after work, and it was pretty busy. Moreso than I've seen the one on Wabash.
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