Anyone know what they are filming by the tracks on state and 14th street? I've also heard reports that something was being filmed up on 9th and state in LA boxing.We went on the site which specializes in movie filmings and found that there were some movies filming in Chicago, but besides that we don't know (link here and here).
If you have any additional information let us know!
Update: A reader writes that the filming at 14th and State is for a pilot called ATF:

(Hat Tip: AB!)
the filming at 14th and state is for a new pilot called "ATF"
Looks like they were also filming outside of LA Boxing last night
I'm a member at LA boxing and they sent this email out a couple weeks ago about the filming. They later changed the date to the 7th.
"We have been scouted and picked to be featured in FOX TV's new up and coming DRAMA/CRIME series called
"PLEADING GUILTY". How amazing is that! Due to the camera crew needing the entire space to film on Thursday, April 8th, we will have the gym closed the entire day."
Hopefully, Nolan's Batman 3 shoots here too. They're coming back to Chicago soon...
Apparently Jake Gyllenhaal is in town shooting a movie called "Source Code" The internet says they were shooting in Millennium Park yesterday. Also, it is supposedly about a guy who relives a train explosion over an over again, so maybe they've been doing some shooting involving the el as well?
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