The building manager said that Trader Joe's was taking the Sam's spot and it is all but a done deal. Not sure how good the info is, but figured you might be interested.
We would love to see this and hope it's true. If anyone knows anything let us know. We will keep our ears and eyes open as well.
For some more discussion on this building check this old link.
(Hat Tip: RG!)
I just shot a video on this topic.
Trader Joe's in the South Loop
this better be true! we dont need to be teased with the BS unless someone with real credibility steps up
Informative video FGFM.
I think a Trader Joe's at that location would be great for the area. The space would be ideal for what TJ's does. I just don't know that there is enough parking available to lure that type of tenant. I also think it would be a little weird for them to open a store kitty corner to a major grocery store. Maybe they know something about that Jewel that we don't.
I would prefer shopping at Trader Joe's over the current Jewel at that corner. I certainly hope it happens.
PLEASE! Let this be true!
Thank would be amazing. PLEASE, PLEASE let this happen. I LOVE TRADER JOE's. I may not need a car anymore if that is the case. Whole foods and Trader Joe's in walking. wow!!!!
Please let it be true!
Send requests to:
Send requests to: http://www.traderjoes.com/static/location_requests_form.aspx
That would be fantastic!!! It would be a real boost to the South Loop and my help to force Jewel to tighten up its act.
If this is a "done deal," why the need for further requests to TJ's?
Sent a request to the link below last week but no reply yet. Trader Joe's has a huge untapped market in the S. Loop/W. Loop area. The Jewel is always crowded and doesn't have a lot of selection and Dominick's needs a facelift, again.
I have noticed recently that when I go to TJ, they ask for my zip code on check out. Hopefully they will notice a lot of 60605s and other souther zips.
Also have Trader Joe's notes about the Linen-n-Things space in the South Gate mall. Tons of parking, and their "target" i already shopping there at Whole Foods.
Also, someone posted about a month ago about a trader joe's rep saying nothing was coming to the south loop, yet they were planning ANOTHER north side location.
I hope it doesn't go into the old Linens-N-Things space. It's not very walkable for most of South Loop. Roosevelt Collection is a close walk and has lots of parking.
Anyone else not that keen on Trader Joe's? I'd much rather see a Treasure Island come in.
I'm all for a TJ's here. That would be awesome!
I'm for a Trader Joe's just so I can finally see what all the fuss is about!
I agree. Please Trader Joe's move in here! I'm tired of shopping at Jewel on my walk home.
I'm for anything that doesn't feature a fried chicken wing buffet near the front door, a la Jewel!
Can someone explain why we don't want Chain restaurants, but salivate at a very low-level grocery store owned by Aldi??
Jim I think your assessment of TJ's is way off the mark.
I find their quality to surpass that of Jewel on regular basis. Jewel's produce sucks, (I can't count how many times I've had things spoil within a day) And their customer service is horrendous.
TJ's offers far more organics products and the prices are much better too! TJ's always offers good customer service! Competition is always good for the consumer.
Trader Joe's is owned by the same family that owns Aldi's. SO WHAT.
Trader Joe's is not Aldi's. If you have ever shopped at a Trader Joe's, you would know that it offers high quality products at an affordable price, along with top notch customer service. Who wouldn't want that? I think TJ's would be a wonderful addition to the South Loop, especially because both Jewel and Dominick's offer too many overpriced and low quality options. We would be lucky to have a Trader Joe's and I really hope this rumor is fact, and not just another tease to get my hopes up about finally having a Trader Joe's nearby.
Furthermore, what's wrong with Aldi's?
I'd love to see a non-chain grocery store that's a real store and not a tiny/overpriced convenience store. Since I don't see that happening anytime soon, I'll take a Trader Joe's. Although Treasure Island would be nice too!
TJ's? No chance, has anyone even looked in or walked by this location? I walk By this corner at least twice a day, It's filled with chairs, tables and kitchen equipment from the Blue Water Grill.
Anyone Remember this post? You just posting whatever "Tips" you get? I Want Evidence before I'll believe anything. I'll Find out the truth and you can post that.
Although I don't think there's a chance in hell that TJ's would set up shop at that location (for many reasons, not the least of which is the fact that it's within spitting distance from Jewel and walking distance from whole foods), IMO residents of the hood should rally behind any commercial tenant which sets up shop in the South Loop, chain or non-chain. I'd rather have chains than the thousands of square feet of empty retail spots.
A Walmart Supercenter would be much more effective at putting the pressure on Jewel than TJ's would be.. just saying.
Let's not fool ourselves, that Jewel will remain pure G-H-E-T-T-O no matter what goes in across the street.
I love the free gangsta rap concerts.
Anthony, the Arlington Heights Trader Joe's does booming business despite a Dominick's at one shopping center across the street, and a discount market and an Asian market at a different shopping center across the street. I'd avoid going to Jewel altogether if TJ moved in.
I'm in favor of anything that allows me to avoid Jewel. Further, I think the lack of parking at the proposed TJ's site is a HUGE bonus considering the adequate parking at Jewel is likely what causes the Jewel to be "ghetto" (I couldn't agree more with the word choice!) In the first place. The fact that Jewel has a parking lot allows peeps from the south and west of the Sloop to invade this store.
The fact that Jewel has a parking lot allows peeps from the south and west of the Sloop to invade this store.
Anons, if the Jewel isn't upper class enough for you, it could be worse. A nursing home could open up in the spot bringing hordes of seniors to the Jewel, armed with checkbooks!
I know there has been a lot of excitement for this rumor, so I've reached out to TJ's to see if this is true.
As soon as we hear something I will let everyone know.
Peered in the other day and saw a bunch of fixtures and furniture that was definitely not at Sam's. Also definitely not for Trader Joe's...
Also, the For Lease sign is still plastered across the windows. Part of me thinks this "rumor" was started by a wishful slooper looking to generate some unfounded buzz.
Spoke with an sales agent for the property management company today (I emailed in an inquiry on the location), Most of the area has been leased to a "restaurant" but he couldn't say who/what because negotiations are still under way.
I also think its funny that JIM IN THE SLOOP would say TJ's is a low level Aldi when, in fact, Trader Joes is only owned by the same trust as Aldi. Thats like saying Chipotle is nothing more than a sheet metal McDonalds because its partially owned by them. Foolish, uneducated remark.
Furthermore, if you'd actually do any research instead of just spewing pointless mush, you'd find that Consumer Reports actually rates Trader Joes as the second-best supermarket chain in the nation, in June 2009 MSN Money released its third annual Customer Service Hall of Fame survey results. Trader Joe's ranks 2nd in customer service.
Ethisphere Magazine also named Trader Joe's one of the most ethical companies in the United States in 2008, 2009, and 2010.
About Chipotle and McDonalds
"In 1998, McDonald's made an initial minority investment in the company. By 2001, the company had grown to be Chipotle's largest investor.[10] McDonald's' investment allowed the firm to quickly expand, from 16 restaurants in 1998 to over 500 by 2005.[16] On January 26, 2006, Chipotle made its initial public offering (IPO), after increasing the share price twice due to high pre-IPO demand. In its first day as a public company, the stock rose exactly 100%, resulting in the best U.S.-based IPO in six years, and the second-best IPO for a restaurant after Boston Chicken (now Boston Market). The money from the offering was then used to fund new store growth.[13]
Distribution of Chipotle restaurants throughout North America as of December 2009[update]
In October 2006, McDonald's fully divested from Chipotle.[17] This was part of a larger initiative for McDonald's to divest all of its non-core business restaurants – Chipotle, Donato's Pizza, and Boston Market – so that it could squarely focus on the main McDonald's chain.[18] The company currently trades on the New York Stock Exchange.[13] Competitors in the fast-casual Mexican market include Qdoba Mexican Grill, Moe's Southwest Grill, Rubio's Fresh Mexican Grill, Panchero's Mexican Grill, and Baja Fresh.[19] In a list of fastest-growing companies in 2009, Chipotle was ranked eighth, based on increases in U.S. sales over the past year.[20]"
Also regarding Aldi and Trader Joe's
"In the USA, Aldi Nord CEO Theo Albrecht started a family trust that owns the Trader Joe's chain of specialty grocery stores, which is separate from both Aldi corporations.[citation needed] Trader Joe's has no corporate relationship to Karl Albrecht's Aldi Süd, which conducts Aldi's operations in the United States."
I am excited that TJ's is coming to the South Loop. I do not, however, like all of racist comments about the "ghetto" Jewel. What does that mean? It seems code for low-income and black. If you want to say that the service is poor, then say that. You don't need to sterotype a whole group of people who live or have lived in the ghetto. It's as ignorant as you accuse the "ghetto" people as being. Guess what, you gentrifying assholes? This neighborhood was homes to many poor Chicagoans until they were pushed out because it was prime retail. Don't get so stupid and cocky that you appropriate the neighborhood and its resources, refusing to coexist. The stores do not just belong to you, it belongs to the Southers and West siders or anyone else who wants to patronize them. I get so sick of these types insidious comments. You make me furiously sick to my stomach with your privileged, racist talk. Kick rocks and get a clue.
9:56-- Well (dare I say insidiously) trolled. Tralala!
The service sucks at Jewel and its ghetto.
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