Monday, March 1, 2010

And the Sloopin 2010 T-Shirt Contest Winner is...

Drum roll please...And the winner of the Sloopin 2010 T-Shirt Contest is Entry #2 - Sloopster!

Thanks for everyone who voted, submitted shirts and gave feedback. The next step is for us to finalize a t-shirt vendor (which were hoping we can do this month). After that we will do a couple of posts explaining how you can buy the t-shirts.

As a reminder, the goal of this contest is to raise funds so we can implement some new features on the blog. If you're interested in pre-ordering a t-shirt please email us at

Finally, for those of you who are interested the final voting results were:

Entry #1: Map (4 votes)
Entry #2: Sloopster (16 votes)
Entry #3: Sloopin Ain't Easy (4 votes)
Entry#4: I've been Sloopin Around (10 votes)
Entry #5: I heart Sloopin (2 votes)
Entry #6: Everybody Sloops (2 votes)