
Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Peculiar (but not surprising) Snowplow Path on Prairie

A reader vents:
I live at 16th and Prairie, and I see the snow trucks clearing the block surrounding big boss Daley's house a COUPLE times an hour as soon as the slightest bit of snow hits the ground. This morning, I was walking my dog, and the plow went north on Prairie from 15th to 14th, then CAME BACK south down Prairie (with the plow down going both ways, and yes, same guy). Meanwhile, 16th (b/w Indiana and Prairie), Prairie (b/w 16th and 18th), and 18th (between Calumet and Indiana) are left to accumulate mountains of snow before a plow will even consider going around this block even once.

Come by sometime today, and you will see the clear streets around Daley's place, and a unplowed 2 block radius just south of that. I guarantee it. During the last big snow storm a few weeks ago, a plow came east on 16th....and TURNED around at Indiana... I couldn't believe it.

I just don't get it. There are three high rise buildings, and a bunch of townhouses in this 2 block radius. I imagine the people that live in these buildings and townhouses contribute a significant amount of taxes to the coffers.

And on the issue of taxes, what exactly is the policy pertaining to developers living in a building's unsold units 3 years after the building is complete. Are they entitled to some sort of huge tax breaks?? Somehow, the developer in my building is able to pay only 1/3 of the taxes in 2009 that I paid, for a unit directly above mine (i can touch their balcony) that he resides in. Meanwhile, his son is collecting unemployment after being "unemployed from daddy's development company", while still trying to peddle over-priced condos on the weekends--until now, because now they have decided to auction off the rest--pretty much all of the ones that have been sitting unsold for 3 years. I'm sick of these people playing the system at honest tax payers' expense!

Can we get a plow please? And some integrity in this system??

(Hat Tip: H!)


  1. This is exactly how it was on Princeton in Bridgeport (Daley's House between 32nd & 33rd). Mrs. Daley is a ballbuster and if she witnesses any problems, the department heads hear about it immediately. Be happy that you live near her, you will be first in the city to be offered services.

  2. This is nothing new. The same thing happened when Mayor Washington lived in Hyde Park. The path from his Condo to LSD never had a flake of snow on it.

  3. And yet the people of Chicago keep voting this guy into an office with unlimited terms.

    Quit the whining and start voting for someone else.

  4. And yet the people of Chicago keep voting this guy into an office with unlimited terms.

    I blame the racists who gave Daley basically 99% white support against black candidates in recent years.

  5. Once again, everything comes down to race with FGFM. You really need to stop playing the race card every time you want to prove a point.

    Also, how do you spell 'Union'?

  6. Once again, everything comes down to race with FGFM. You really need to stop playing the race card every time you want to prove a point.

    Just pointing out what should be obvious. Daley got elected time after time with a monolithic white vote over black opposition.

    Also, how do you spell 'Union'?

    It's not a proper noun, so you don't capitalize it in the middle of a sentence.

  7. FGFM: what is your take on all the African American "community leaders" and "reverands" all universally stating during the Democratic primary for Cook County Board President that the 'community' needed to do everything possible not to split the black vote and have Terry O'Brien win the nomination. And people like Bobby Rush and Mary Mitchell only commenting on the "blackness" of a candidate rather than a candidate's qualifications.

    No group in Chicago practices racism in voting like the black community.

    For you to argue otherwise shows your blatant racist attitude towards everything/everyone not black.

  8. FGFM: what is your take on all the African American "community leaders" and "reverands" [sic] all universally stating during the Democratic primary for Cook County Board President that the 'community' needed to do everything possible not to split the black vote and have Terry O'Brien win the nomination.

    Nice scare quotes, but Dorothy Brown's political base is some big church she belongs to, so I rather doubt that her pastor was one of the supposed "all universally" crowd.

    And people like Bobby Rush and Mary Mitchell only commenting on the "blackness" of a candidate rather than a candidate's qualifications.

    While I don't support Rush and Mitchell's racial approach to politics, I'm again rather suspicious of your use of a superlative. I have previously criticized Mitchell on this web site.

    No group in Chicago practices racism in voting like the black community.

    Yes, I remember the great support that the 11th Ward Regular Democrats gave Harold Washington when he won the Democratic primary before his successful mayoral run.

    For you to argue otherwise shows your blatant racist attitude towards everything/everyone not black.

    Some of my best friends are white and I rejoice in their company. I happen to be white myself. I think everyone, including yourself, know who the racist is around here.

  9. FGFM, you are just plain ignorant. Find something to do with your time.

  10. FGFM, you are just plain ignorant. Find something to do with your time.

    I appear to be a lot smarter than you, but I appreciate your concern about how I spend my time.


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