The first few bites were great — the bacon cubes melted on my tongue, the popcorn complemented with crunch. But soon the bacon cooled, some kernels were stale, and there was an odd brown powder clinging to others.Halfway through my small bowl I stopped eating the upscale popcorn, envious of the tub of regular stuff the guy at the end of the bar was stuffing into his face. It felt a little like walking out of a theater midway through a blockbuster that cost hundreds of millions of dollars to produce.
Hey Sloopin Peeps,
Thanks for all the hard work you do! I love what I read from you all. I wanted to send you a quick note to tell you that I've started writing for Roosevelt's school paper and have started a blog about area restaurants there. Pass it along to the Sloopin readers if you like (if not, I won't take offense!)
Hope you all are having a great day!
South Loop Neighbors is hosting a discussion Wednesday, Feb. 24 about new student residences in the neighborhood. Invited guests include Lesley Slavitt, vice president of governmental relations and outreach at Roosevelt University, and Keith Giles, a principal at Kargil Development.
Roosevelt is building a 32-story "vertical campus" that will replace the Herman Crown Center at 421-425 S. Wabash. The structure will host seven floors of classrooms, six floors of student services and 615 beds for the school's freshmen and sophomores, as well as space for student organizations and activities and street-level retail.
Kargil Development, which has built and rehabbed number of residential structures in the South Loop, wants to build a $100 million, 21-story tower with 420 two-bedroom suites and 20 single rooms for dorm resident assistants at 1136-1140 S. Wabash, land currently owned by the city.
Fioretti will be hosting a meeting March 2, meanwhile, about three major infrastructure projects slated to start this April: the Congress Parkway remake; reconstruction of Wacker Drive; and repaving the Eisenhower Expressway. Representatives from the city and state departments of transportation will be on hand to discuss the projects.
The road construction meeting starts at 6 p.m. March 2 at Robert Morris University, 401 S. State, in Room 803.
The South Loop has changed dramatically over the past ten years. It is important that we do everything that we can to ensure a proper count. Accurate data reflecting changes in our community are crucial in apportioning seats in the U.S. House of Representatives and deciding how more than $400 billion per year is allocated. The private sector also uses this data in determining were to establish new businesses.
The Young Adult Group of Old St. Mary’s will be hosting the US Census Bureau this Sunday. The Census Bureau will be taking applications and administering employment testing in the Social Hall at 1:00PM. Old St. Mary's Church is located at 1500 S. Michigan. No appointment is necessary. Pay rates for field positions begin at $18.25 an hour.
For more information on the application process please go to: www.2010censusjobs.gov
For a list of the approved forms of identification to bring to the test and a copy of a sample test, please go to the following links.
Approved forms of Identification
Sample Test For any questions please call: 1-866-861-2010
Best Regards,
Luis Gonzalez
Old St. Mary’s Parish Council Member
Vision: The South Loop Dog PAC envisions a clean, safe, and healthy neighborhood for all dogs and humans who live and play in the South Loop.
Mission: The South Loop Dog PAC advocates for and supports responsible dog-ownership in Chicago’s South Loop. We provide and maintain safe off-leash areas for dogs and humans to socialize in area parks, and we work to encourage healthy and mutually beneficial dog-human relationships in the community.
The SLDogPAC has started a membership drive this year, with the goal of increasing the membership support sufficiently to sustain operations in the future (operations: replace the pea gravel in the parks, clean up the parks, supply dog waste bags at the new dispensers we've installed, as well as trying to implement improvements to the two off-leash areas). Without community support (membership, donations) it's going to be hard to get anything done (see membership benefits here). So, we need community awareness of the SLDogPAC, and we need people who are willing to become members.
It would be interesting to get a sense of the community's feelings about the SLDogPAC - often when I've been to either of the DFAs with my dogs there have been far more people and dogs using the park than are members in the SLDogPAC, and when asked, people have indicated that they were unaware of the existence of the SLDogPAC. But I wonder if that's true (there are signs up everywhere, now). Naively (again, I've only been on the board since last March) one would think that the dog community would want to support the group that's trying to maintain a facility they use regularly (membership is only $30/year!), but I wonder if there's some other resistance to the SLDogPAC's mission. And if there is, we need to hear about it!So what are your thoughts? Inquiring minds want to know...
Lose the heavy clothing, grab your yoga mat, and turn up the heat.Actually, keep turning up the heat until you get to 105 degrees (the idea temperature for Bikram yoga). Oh - and there's humidity too, typically 40% humidity - are you hot enough yet?Welcome to Bikram yoga. Also known as "Hot yoga", Bikram was started in Los Angeles in the 1970s by Bikram Choudhury. Today it's one of the most popular types of yoga and is often thought of as the best practices for beginners as there are only 26 Bikram poses, many of which are focused on proper alignment.
We're feeling chipper this morning. Maybe it's the way the sun now stays up until almost 5:30 p.m., or maybe we've just started hallucinating to subconsciously cope with seasonal affective disorder, but gosh darn it if it doesn't feel like spring's right around the corner!And you know what the short, barely-existing Chicago spring means: Summer!
And, to us, nothing means Chicago in the summertime like the Grant Park Music Festival, which has released its 2010 schedule. So thank you, GPMF, for reminding us that warm evenings spent sitting in the Millennium Park grass watching the sun descend over the city while sipping wine and listening to free performances by the Grant Park Orchestra are NOT figments of our imaginations. We just have to make it four more months.
Every big city needs a rebel address, and so The Renaissance Blackstone is stepping up against convention. The Beaux-Arts landmark in Chicago's South Loop is decking its Art Hall with Outlaw, a new exhibition of works by renowned graffiti artist Michael McLeer, also known as Kaves. The Blackstone, which is celebrating its 100th birthday this year, has its own outlaw past counting clientele such as gangsters Al Capone and Charles "Lucky" Luciano. The property will celebrate Kaves' spray paint skills with an exhibit on February 18 and available for public viewing through September 25.Kaves grew up in Brooklyn and here is a link to his website and here is some of his work we found online:
Came to the new Goodyear on Wabash for an oil change and tire rotation. Prices are reasonable and staff are really friendly. Great addition to the sloop. I'll yelp it up.(Hat Tip PF!)
Watched a history channel show on the valentines day massacre tonight. They mentioned a place called Colosimos which was owned by a guy that Capone worked for at one time. This restaurant was an old haunt of Capones and is at 21st and Wabash which is now an empty lot. Past and current pictures on the website below. I find that era of Chicagos history very interesting and I think the sloop was a huge part of the south side gang. Take a look if you're bored.
The Chinatown New Year Parade celebrating the Lunar New Year, “Year of the TIGER 4708” will include marching bands, floats, lion teams, a100’ Mystical Dragon, and Miss Friendship Ambassador. Please join us to welcome the New Year as we convey “Gung Hay Fat Choi” to all in attendance.
Parade step-off time is 1:00PM though there are other activities starting as early as 11:30AM.
Chicago developer Allison Davis has lost control of a slow-selling $117-million condominium tower overlooking Grant Park, rankling an investor in the project who has sued the lender that took it over.A unit of Boston-based Fidelity Investments reneged on a deal to modify an $18.5-million mezzanine loan to the Columbian, a 46-story building at 1160 S. Michigan Ave., according to the lawsuit, filed last week in Cook County Circuit Court.
Thanks to YoChicago for leading us to this story.
(Image from cribchatter.com)
Thank you for reporting this condition to us.
The CTA tells us that this station, like all others, is cleaned every seven to ten days. While the CTA can not afford to install preventative measures to keep the pigeons from roosting there (due to service cuts and other budget woes), we have asked for a quote to see if it can be paid for some other way.
If you have additional questions or concerns, you may reach out to our office or to the CTA.
I live at 16th and Prairie, and I see the snow trucks clearing the block surrounding big boss Daley's house a COUPLE times an hour as soon as the slightest bit of snow hits the ground. This morning, I was walking my dog, and the plow went north on Prairie from 15th to 14th, then CAME BACK south down Prairie (with the plow down going both ways, and yes, same guy). Meanwhile, 16th (b/w Indiana and Prairie), Prairie (b/w 16th and 18th), and 18th (between Calumet and Indiana) are left to accumulate mountains of snow before a plow will even consider going around this block even once.Come by sometime today, and you will see the clear streets around Daley's place, and a unplowed 2 block radius just south of that. I guarantee it. During the last big snow storm a few weeks ago, a plow came east on 16th....and TURNED around at Indiana... I couldn't believe it.I just don't get it. There are three high rise buildings, and a bunch of townhouses in this 2 block radius. I imagine the people that live in these buildings and townhouses contribute a significant amount of taxes to the coffers.And on the issue of taxes, what exactly is the policy pertaining to developers living in a building's unsold units 3 years after the building is complete. Are they entitled to some sort of huge tax breaks?? Somehow, the developer in my building is able to pay only 1/3 of the taxes in 2009 that I paid, for a unit directly above mine (i can touch their balcony) that he resides in. Meanwhile, his son is collecting unemployment after being "unemployed from daddy's development company", while still trying to peddle over-priced condos on the weekends--until now, because now they have decided to auction off the rest--pretty much all of the ones that have been sitting unsold for 3 years. I'm sick of these people playing the system at honest tax payers' expense!Can we get a plow please? And some integrity in this system??
Park 550 - Park District Community Center and Women's Park
Construction is nearly complete of phase one of the Community Center with plans to open early spring. The Park District is working on final staffing plans.
Watch for news coming soon on the grand opening celebration.
The Advisory Council is collectively working on the vision for phase 2 and phase 3 for the facility. We will be seeking community input with this important development process.CALL FOR VOLUNTEERS
The Park 550 Advisory Council Board of Directors is seeking community stake holders to serve on a variety of task forces and committees. If you wold like to get involved, please email park550advisorycouncil@gmail.com
Advisory Council Website: park550advisorycouncil.com
Advisory Council Email: park550advisorycouncil@gmail.com
Mr. Moon (who is helping with the leasing) says he is actively looking for additional spots for Clarke’s in the Loop, South Loop and western suburbs.Although it's not a definite, it would be nice to have another diner option in the Sloop. We would love to see them within the old Sam's store at the Northeast corner of Wabash and Roosevelt.
The design (for the media production center) is a serious work of architecture, but it is also playful, even joyful. Already, students have affectionately nicknamed it the “Film Kids Discovery Zone.”
At Columbia, an arts college housed in a series of old buildings, Gang’s center, the first entirely new structure that the college has built, is an exuberant building of concrete and glass whose interior is laid out so as to emphasize framed views from one area to another: Gang approached the project thinking in terms of how a director might frame shots through a camera. She also tinted some of the glass in the façade to resemble the blocks of color in a television test pattern.
I saw some signs tonight over in Dearborn Park regarding the stop sign issue at Dearborn/Polk. I wish more of an effort had been made to publicize this effort, as I would have been happy to contact the Alderman's office prior to this meeting...which is tomorrow (which was yesterday).There are also some other good comments on the topic here.
I always heard they removed the stop signs that used to be there when they were constructing the Clark/Roosevelt viaduct to help with the traffic flow. I think returning the stop signs there would be great. It would make for a more pedestrian friendly area and hopefully slow drivers down...especially those drivers that fly around the corner when turning right from Polk to Dearborn. Of course, this being Chicago, I'm sure the stop signs will just be ignored like all the other ones in the city.
People be driving way too fast...and not just in the sloop.
Ten years ago, South Loop School was struggling with low test scores and on the verge of probation. But after a staff turnaround and the addition of a gifted program, test scores went up, leaving the kindergarten-through-eighth-grade school among the most coveted of Chicago public schools.It's a good read if you're not familiar with the discussion. Our favorite quote is from a parent:
Nestled in the Dearborn Park housing development, the school is in an area that has seen explosive growth in the last decade. With some of that growth attributed to the school's success, parents and officials now face crowding because of double-digit enrollment jumps each year for most of the last five years.
South Loop parents expect the school to grow even more as families decide that private school is not affordable.(Hat Tip Jack G!)
"People are moving into the neighborhood for this school," said parent Megan Madden, whose daughter is a first-grader in the gifted program.
Dear CTA and Alderman Fioretti,
Thank you for all you do for our neighborhood (and the city). I am writing in regard to a disgusting problem with the South exit from the Green and Orange line platform at the Roosevelt stop. If you've ever used or walked on the sidewalk by this exit it seems to be infested with Pigeons. Whether it's rotting dead Pigeons on the roof or the feces that litter the doors and sidewalk at this exit, it's absolutely repulsive and is a blemish on our neighborhood.
With that said, we strongly encourage you to look at improving this problem. We know that many stations have metal or plastic spikes that prevent Pigeons from roosting on structural beams and other areas and would love to see something like this implemented at our station.
For more background and pictures of this problem please visit Sloopin here or at the following link:
Thank you for your consideration and hope you can help solve this problem.
(Your Name Here)
With admission prices creeping toward $20, we understand if you've put off checking out the Art Institute's Modern Wing. But no more excuses: for the entire month of February, the Art Institute is free.We live close to world class museums...don't miss out, enjoy them!
Retail sales of exercise, fitness, rehabilitation and therapy products via online wholesale and retail stores and sales force distributorships; clothing, namely, shirts, hats, sweatshirtsIt also looks like the owner of the KoreExtreme LLC was also the founder of KoreFit, which appears to be a new type of exercise equipment (see picture on the right). We will have to stay tuned to see what this actually ends up being.