With the February 2
nd local elections looming, we've been reading about some of the races at various places. This week the Chicago Journal had
a good run down on the different races and some of the key differentiating issues supported by the candidates. They also had a recent blog post about the
candidates fundraising efforts.

We also frequently get an email newsletter titled "
Enrique's Community Updates". According to a recent email blast, a week from Saturday (1/30) they're hosting a get to know the candidates event at the Hotel Blake (500 S.
Dearborn) from 10am to 4pm.
Finally, we also received an email from the David
Shroeder campaign notifying us of his candidacy for the state representative in the 5
th district. It was also noted that he is a proud South Loop resident. For more information on him,
check out his website here. To be fair to the other candidates, here are their respective websites:
I'm no fan of Ken "Donuts" Dunkin, but I'm a little curious why IVI IPO didn't make an endorsement in this race.
IVI IPO Endorsements
Well, the Uptown Update flying monkeys will be coming after Schroeder. Funny, because I thought that he was kind of a law-and-order guy.
Election Double Takes
A reader writes in:
"Say WHAT? David Schroeder, a South Loop lawyer who travels to the 46th Ward to support Alderman Helen Shiller’s election campaigns is challenging an incumbent 5th District state rep, whom he claims is “an unproductive legislator” who is “failing to reach out to his constituents” until election time, does not show up to vote, and stays away on vacation at critical times for his elected position?
And yet Schroeder travels from another ward to our neighborhood to support Alderman Helen Shiller who does exactly the same thing?"
What the Cappleman!
IVI-IPO can only make endorsements if the candidates apply for endorsement. It is my guess that these candidates did not apply.
I see that the local union office is supporting Schoeder.
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