
Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Reggie's Rock Club to Add Rooftop Deck

A reader writes:
Just spoke to the manager at Reggies. They are constructing a new rooftop deck.
Gotta love fresh air after a loud concert!

Reggie's Rock Club is located at 2109 S. State.

(Hat Tip to SoloMotorRow)


  1. Wonder if this roofdeck will offer beautiful vista views of the Hilliard Towers and remaining Ickes Homes. Also, I'm sure there are breath-taking views of the hopping Cermack Corridor.

  2. Anon your wit and sarcasm are refreshing. How could you complain about a roof top deck? Maybe cause you don't have one :)

  3. You should be able to see downtown if the deck is towards the front of the building, but I think it is going to be towards the back. Regardless, there are ZERO places with roofdecks in the North Side that have any great views. You have to be at high end hotel/restaurant in the Loop or River North to get something like that, a roof deck is a roof deck.

    Side Note for future :
    Reggies is on State/Cermak & they may have a nice view of downtown, but the buildings on Michigan Ave (just south of Cermak) eventually when they turn into restaurants WILL 100% HAVE DOWNTOWN VIEWS.

  4. For the benefit of the racist anon and any other interested parties, this is what the location looked like before it was a club:


  5. How in the world was the comment from the first anon racist? Why is it okay for FGFM to label anyone with a differing point-of-view "racist"?

  6. How in the world was the comment from the first anon racist? Why is it okay for FGFM to label anyone with a differing point-of-view "racist"?

    "Arf, arf!"

  7. I'm not one to fling the word "racist" around too freely but I'd say it applied here . . . so would "classist asshole".

  8. most definitely our racist anon coward, ruining yet another thread with his bitter old Archie Bunker routine. at least the troll didn't laughable misspell any 2nd grade level words this time...

  9. Reggie’s is partly responsible for rescuing this part of the south Loop from becoming a permanent drug-drive-thru. They invested in an area that was hopeless just a year ago – does anyone recall driving south on State Street in the bitter cold to see dozens of people loitering on State Street???

    Now the Ickes Homes are practically non-existent; the Big Daddy’s pizza joint/drug pick-up is shut down, the loiterers that used to walk this area are someplace else… I envision that the Cermak corridor will greatly improve and the intersection of State & Cermak will boom once again.

    FYI, the Hilliard Towers are a beautiful contribution to the neighborhood, designed by the architect of River City and the Marina Towers, Bertrand Goldberg.

  10. Don't confuse "racism" with "reality."

    I hope Reggie's flourishes and I applaud them for gentrifying a part of the neighborhood that needed it badly. I hope the gentrification completes with the demolition of the remaining Ickes and Valarie Jarrett's projects on 20th. Until that happens, the intersection of State and Cermak will continue to be thought of as a "drive thru drug market" rather than the pedestrian-friendly commercial corridor it can potentially become.

  11. I'm hoping that we can kick idiots who don't know how to spell "Valerie" out of the neighborhood.

  12. Call it a hunch, but i'd be willing to bet that eradicating thugs, drugs, gangs, and criminal activity from this neighborhood falls higher on most of our priority lists than riding the sloop of bad spellers.

  13. Stop being such a drama queen, you ignorant piece of human garbage.


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