More interesting pieces from the article:
The restoration of the $4 million red brick edifice at 650 S. Clark St. built in 1914 follows the church's plan of acquiring and restoring historic structures that embody a city's aesthetic.
More than 70 buildings have been acquired around the globe as part of a multimillion dollar expansion program. More than two dozen churches are set to open in the U.S. before the end of next year.
In Chicago, the 50,212 square feet of space will accommodate worship, courses, spiritual counseling known as auditing, community outreach and church administration.
"That's one of the reasons we need such a large space," said the Rev. Jesse Wells, an ordained Scientology minister, "to accommodate all the activities."
And here is a picture from Google Maps of the building:

This will turn out poorly, I imagine.
I regard all religions as cults so . . .
Beautiful building. As long as they leave me alone, what do I care? I'm more bothered by the guys preaching on State St telling me that I'm going to hell every day.
I'm with you on that. The guy that "preaches" in front of the Old Navy on State Street pretty much displays all the qualities of organized religions that I find repulsive. Typical 16th Century mentality/morality but at least it's obvious and easy avoided.
Keep it to yourself and out of my face.
I'm looking forward to this, and I live in the next building down on Clark Street. The building interior features incredibly beautiful wood work (from what I can tell by walking by at night and looking in between the paper covering the windows). I am sure it will be a beautiful facility. And activity at the center will result in a significant increase in pedestrian activity which will help strengthen local businesses that we all like to patronize. Plus, they are reportedly installing a partial green roof which will be nice to look down on! :-)
Isn't the next building down from this a car wash/park?
I love your blog and have nominated it for a “Lovely Blog" award. Check out my list of 15 nominees for this award at:
I think you’ll be pleased – you’re in good company! Keep up the good work -- Beth
PS: Forgot to mention I live in the South Loop.
Interesting that the folks are afraid of religion, and "view all religions as cults", especially the liberal left. Media bias from the likes of CNN, NBC, ABC is at an all time high, parading any dope that disagrees with current presidential policy as some right-wing religious fanatic, always making us afraid of the 'intrepid religion' medeling in the political process.
Yet in Chicago and Cook County, Democrat ruled for 1000 years, and a 38% African American Population, where our current president crafted his trade, rarely do you see the same folks taking issue to the fact that we have all of these pators, 'ministers', and 'part-time ministers' acting as the gatekeeper and voice of 'the people' when it comes to neighborhood development, city services, electioneering, rallies of the people, school problems and more. (with some even being developers or holding land assets)
The first two statements posted appear a bit racist and religeousphobic.
I was the one who posted "I regard all religions as cults so . . .".
You're entitled to your own personal belief system but the minute you impose it on me, or have it infect public policy, I take great issue with it. Left or right.
History is full of the most heinous acts imaginable all done in the service of one god or another.
A person who puts their faith in a magical invisible creator being is clearly incapable of critical thought or logical reasoning. Religion is the only thing trumps race in relation to the single-most divisive issue on the planet.
Yet in Chicago and Cook County, Democrat ruled for 1000 years, and a 38% African American Population, where our current president crafted his trade, rarely do you see the same folks taking issue to the fact that we have all of these pators, 'ministers', and 'part-time ministers' acting as the gatekeeper and voice of 'the people' when it comes to neighborhood development, city services, electioneering, rallies of the people, school problems and more. (with some even being developers or holding land assets)
Will you give it a rest already? This isn't Stormfront or Free Republic.
Welcome to the Scientologists!!! If the stripmall "store" they run on N Lincoln is any example of their design logic, we might be in a lot of trouble.
Thank you for all of the comments regarding religion here, it's good to see that we are all smarter than a 2,000 year-old establishment. Good luck with that!
FGFM: "Will you give it a rest already? This isn't Stormfront or Free Republic"
Way to dodge the question FGFM.
Seems like you are the problem - make your hidden comment about the religious nature of the business, and then go overboard about other people's response. Can't wait to read your comments about Spertus, Old St. Mary, etc.
Who care's what religion they practice? It is legal and constitutional.
Scientology is no more or less preposterous than the next religion.
While I'm not the biggest fan of the church or really anyone who is pushy with their message, be it religious, athiest, or philosophical, this seems like a really positive thing for the neighborhood. They did the same thing with the original Transamerica building in San Franisco, which I happened to walk past a bunch of times on a visit last year. I just hope they don't go overboard plastering their symbols all over the building.
As for Anon, once again no one was talking about race until you showed up. Why are you so offended by Lance's personal beliefs and FGFM's wariness? Are you optimistic that people will not try to obstruct the Church of Scientology? Or are you just trying to twist this into another outlet for your racist rantings?
Do you even have any thoughts about the topic? I'm curious what your response would be if yours was the first post. Any thoughts on the restoration or its impact on the neighborhood?
Can't wait to read your comments about Spertus, Old St. Mary, etc.
Friend of mine was thinking of getting married at the Old Old St. Mary's. She decided to go somewhere else, but the priest already thought that it was a done deal. When he started to try to plan the wedding with her, she told him that she had decided to go elsewhere. The priest lost his tempter and started going off, my friend was taken aback and said "Well, God damn it, Father!" Things went downhill from there.
Tim, you need read more of FGFM's posts. Anyone reading he or his twin Lances post knew this followed in line with his racist banter for months and it was clear what he/they meant by the first posted. The irony is they rip on one specific 'cult', when the 30% of Chicago's population is run and influenced by another religious faction that copts as community leaders.
Note it did not take long for his veiled generalization stories of Old St Mary's.
My thoughts are, who cares - they are improving the building, bringing in consumers to the neighborhood. However to some this more crazy white guys, yet we are supposed to celebrate some wankers opening a tatoo shop.
The comment about all the so-called "reverands" - especially on the south side - that seen to be more interested in politicking than praising god (any god) is so true!
These men absolutely control their followers and demand to be treated like kings rather than voices of passion and love. Case in point: all the racists that held a press conference this afternoon to endorse Sandi Jackson for Senate claiming that the "black community MUST support" her, without mentioning any qualification other than her skin color. Further, these guys did the same thing when they asked that black candidates drop out of the Cook County Board Presidency democratic primary so that "we don't split the black vote (and let whitey win the nomination)." Again, nothing regarding qualifications or character of these candidates other than the color of their skin. So much for god being color blind.
Anyone reading he or his twin Lances post knew this followed in line with his racist banter for months and it was clear what he/they meant by the first posted. The irony is they rip on one specific 'cult', when the 30% of Chicago's population is run and influenced by another religious faction that copts [sic] as community leaders.
You are insane.
Note it did not take long for his veiled generalization stories of Old St Mary's.
I thought it was a great story. I'll have you know that some of my best friends are Catholics and I rejoice in their company.
In a perfect world, this church would set up shop across the street:
Calling someone a "racist" is worse than being one.
Using that word to explain or describe prejudices, biases, bigotries or even xenophobia that people hold does nothing to further the conversation.
I love how Anon (December 1, 2009 2:47 AM) makes no civic distinction between a church and a tattoo parlor!
Using that word to explain or describe prejudices, biases, bigotries or even xenophobia that people hold does nothing to further the conversation.
Whatever you say, you xenophobic, prejudiced, biased bigot, you!
Let's turn the conversation around to something REALLY important: does this mean no bars in that part of the South Loop?
Well, Villains is right across the street and Blackie's is down on the SE corner of that block.
I believe it means no NEW bars withing a certain number of feet, but existing ones are grandfathered. So, Villains and Blackies are fine, but they wouldn't ever be able to transfer their license to anyone else. Without measuring, I'd assume this would also doom any hopes for a restaurant in the vacant spaces in Burnham Pointe. There is a great corner space that is just crying out for a restaurant. Other vacant spaces, like the old Orange location, should be far enough away to not be affected.
Another Scientology project to sit empty,even after the project is finished it will be empty,the so-called church has a well deserved bad reputation. the Church of Scientology bragging about their various "new buildings" around the world. the tremendous expansion.That's the spin they put on it. look inside the building a year after its completed The buildings will be empty... its nothing more than a tax free real estate grab, they con their parishioners into financing these builds These buildings are purchased using only parishioner's donations, no church funds are used. another urgent "project"squeezing every last nickel and dime.from their parishioners.its a scam...The building becomes property of the International Management for the COS. then they rent out the property at a premium to the local organization,International Management can sell the building right out from under the local church, take the money and run, and the local church, and the parishioners who paid for that building can do nothing to stop them...the COS has been promoting this The "Ideal Org" campaign and it has been an abysmal failure.these building sit empty! its nothing more than movie-set fakery. most building projects never get finished...they put on a show... most languish..and stack up fines for not yet completed projects..its a portfolio of prime real estate to line the pockets of its Church leader...
In Clearwater the 170,000 square foot Super Power building is still unfinished and empty after 10 years of construction! It was to be completed in 2003, then 2007and that didn't happen, at around three times it's projected 24 million dollar cost! and the cost keeps going up!This monstrosity sits in prime real estate right in the middle of downtown Clearwater. and its still not close to being finished!..It's a living monument to the greed and corruption of the leaders of Scientology and the duplicity of it's members. Like the organization itself. It is a blank facade, impressive on the outside, hollow on the inside.
those parishioners are our local taxpayers being fleeced....for the bank accounts of a few greedy COS leaders..wake up Chicago
The COS makes Bernie Matoff look like a Cub Scout!
Sounds similar to the MO of the Unification Church which tries to get by on slave labor, but ultimately runs its properties into the ground.
Well folks, I figured I'd just give you guys a bit of an update. The "ideal org" is still a pathetic piece of property. The newest, and only additions for the past few weeks, other then a moved folder in the front hall, is a "new" camera in the front hall. Funny really, they are watching over an old building with paint falling from the ceiling and Volunteer Ministries tents on the ground floor, all laid out nice and neat too. And a dry erase board too! Perhaps they'll leave us little messages, such as "WHEN THEY'LL OPEN THE DAMNED ORG!!!!!"
I'll keep everyone updated on it. So we can all see the "progress" they're making.
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