We recently drove down Cermack past the Harold Ickes buildings and the wrecking ball is in full force. The building at the corner of Cermack and State looks to be the first one coming down as about a quarter of the building has been knocked down as of yesterday.
And in case you didn't hear, two weeks ago a man working on the demolition crew at the site died after falling from the seventh story.
(image from ABC 7 news)
Thanks the Lord for eliminating this blight on the South Loop!!
Watch as Cermack blooms and becomes what Roosevelt has grown to become today!
I hope Cermak becomes something far better than what Roosevelt is. We don't need another strip of Pimp clothing stores and currency exchanges. Moreover, as long as the Hilliard Homes remain, this will never be a desirable stretch of land.
Absolutely SoLo, while the same could have been said about Roosevelt 15 years ago. Another challenge is the flow and design into Chinatown. While Chinatown is "neat", the architecture, quality, and cheapness of how they build there is quite disappointing. Take a walk over to Ping Tom park sometime and on the way you will see what I am talking about on the way there.
Ping Tom is the developer that has put that development on the map... If you have ever visited China, you would recognize that this construction is far better than what is offered there... and the Chinese live in a way much different than a typical American. The development is not a place I would live but that is because it is designed for Chinese emigrants...
I agree with everyone. Thank you Daley (TIF FUNDS) for getting these
buildings knocked down! Cermak may
never become Roosevelt, but as long as it is a peaceful walk between ChinaTown and McCormick Place, I could not ask for more.
Motor Row & Wabash Ave will take
care of the Entertainment for visitors & locals in the future.
Ickes Buildings was a major step.
Although Hilliard is still there, more & more low-middle income family's are moving in rather than
low income. There is a lot of land that was bought just before you hit
Ickes that will be developed as well.
No matter what "types" of families are at Hilliard Homes, the mere presence of this project makes desirable urban renewal at that intersection impossible. The sketch people will continue to hang/congregate/jay-walk all over the area. The destruction of SOME (not all, remember three full buildings remain!) of Ickes is a start - but much, much more needs to be done.
I completely agree with the last post. Don't kid yourselves people - even with some of Ickes coming down, that stretch is still incredibly unsafe and undesirable. The people on this blog have an entirely different take on what makes a prosperous community than the HUGE population of people still living in the three remaining Ickes buildings and Hilliard Homes. Do you think they care about high-end retail? Unique restaurants? Landscaped and manicured lawns? As long as the throngs of people living off the government remain in the area, it will remain a blighted eyesore on the Sloop. If you disagree with me, why don't you walk through the corner of State and Cermak sometime this weekend after dark.
They are taking the right steps to finish off the last line of the South Loop. It may take awhile, but either way, they have been moving out as many of these folks as possible for the past 8 years (slowly). There really has not been any gang/hard lined criminal activity here for the past two years.
Reggie's on State/Cermak is a god send for this area as it gives the police reasons to patrol & the govt to develop (besides the obvious to connect ChinaTown & McCormick). Trust me, I have the mindset of running people over in my car if they are in my way (in this area only :), but I really do not feel like the area is as unsafe as it looks (as many other areas of proper Chicago - Lincoln Park, Uptown have major issues at night). Most of the folks in this specific area are F&^k*d up on their own stuff or drunk to bother people. Also, if you notice that the people hanging around Hilliard are some old folks vs young 'why aren't you in school' types. There is still a very good chance of developing Cermak as long as they get rid of the liquor store on State/Cermak and develop the Ickes area as well as the area just before ickes. It will get there. 2016 decision can fast forward things !
> Money used was federal stimulus money, not TIF. Of course you will not see the Obama stimulus billboard for that project.
> Michael, we strive to build our neighborhoods better than China? This is quite a low bar. What is being built there is blight on Chicago; I see little civic pride in the quality or cleanliness of the neighborhood, yet they want your tax money to build a field house that they will let become run down.
Agree with others that the ultimate beneficiary for this area is land and property owners in Motor Row.
If they let the property management firm at Hilliard do to Hilliard what the management firms are doing at 2101/2001 S. Michigan, god help us. (One of those firms is Valery Jarret's old company)
Regards to the last comment : 2001 S Michigan. Are u speaking of the two buildings - I think 2001 & 2015S. Michigan ? If so, these are two
buildings that I wished upgraded their buildings, raise the rent & get rid of the section 8 vouchers ( as much as they can ).
All true. There are soooooo many more steps that need to be taken regarding a variety of properties before this area becomes "desirable.". I've said it once, and I'll say it again, Section 8 will be the death of the Sloop, especially with so many condos being converted to rentals.
The Hillard homes for mostly for the old folks and is a mixed family income development. People are paying rent to live there. And it's been policed and maintained incredibly well since people started moving back in. The problem was always Ickes. And I'm glad it's going to be knocked down and re-developed because it was too empty and a haven for drugs and crime. The Hillard Homes are fine. Seriously.
See Wong is planning to build his Chinese style Grand Imperial hotel across the street from the Hilliard Homes.
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