
Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Bad News All Around for Chicago 2016

As you know we've been following the Olympics pretty closely and almost everything we've read lately seems to be bad for Chicago's 2016 Bid. Although we're not going to get into a ton of detail on the articles, it simply isn't positive news. The most damaging seems to be an upcoming showdown between the IOC and USOC about revenue-sharing deals. Hopefully both parties can reach an agreement because frankly both rely on each other heavily. If this issue isn't solved it could be the death of Chicago's bid due to the negative feelings that would be harbored by IOC voters.

Other recent negative news include the firing of USOC CEO Jim Scherr and the announcement of various public protests of Chicago's bid when the IOC comes on April 2nd.

Should be a couple of interesting months for Chicago and its 2016 Olympic Bid.


  1. Another big factor will be the state of the economy. Will Chicago be able to demonstrate that they have the ability to attract the corporate sponsorship needed to pull off all of the infrastructure improvements? At the end of the day, if we can not build it, they will not come!

  2. That's the billion dollar question...

  3. Ending the Cycle of War - Beyond Corporate Dominance:?
    Which Way Forward for the Justice, Peace and Environment Movement?

    Call to the
    Illinois Coalition for Justice Peace and the Environment
    4th Annual Conference?
    April 17 & 18 2009
    People?s Church, Chicago, Illinois

    Friday, April 17th and Saturday, April 18th
    Peoples Church ? 941 W. Lawrence Ave ? Chicago, IL

    Friday Night Panel
    7:00pm - 9:00pm
    Will feature distinguished speakers:

    Riane Eisler
    Dean Baker
    Robert Naiman
    followed by reception?with cash bar

    Friday Night - Requested Donation - $10
    Saturday Conference - $25/Students - $15
    Saturday Lunch $10 reserved in advance

    Saturday Conference
    7:45 am - 8:30 am Registration/Welcome/Logistics
    8:30 am-9:50am Coalition Business Meeting-Committee Formation

    10am- 6:00pm
    Three Panel Discussions
    each followed by breakout sessions on
    Sustainability, Peace and Justice

    ~?Register Today!?~ ? 312.480.1331 or 708.447.9577

    We invite the activist community of Illinois? greater progressive movement to join the 145 member groups of the Illinois Coalition for Justice, Peace and the Environment to this year's ICJPE Conference.?

    This year will be different as we spotlight our theme??

    Ending the Cycle of War - Beyond Corporate Dominance:
    Which Way Forward for the Justice, Peace and Environment Movement?

    in a keynote panel of distinguished speakers.?
    ?.And we offer three panels of speakers in a solutions driven look at?
    Peace, Justice and Sustainability
    We call on a wide spectrum of local groups as well as friends and allies from near and far to join in a solutions driven conference where we promote a world of justice, peace and sustainability, celebrate a diverse and interconnected vision for our planet?s future because?.
    There is so much to do: economic collapse, planet in peril, widening wars;
    We need to find inspiration in the skills and ideas that we as a movement possess. Our collective skills are essential to each other?s work;
    A wealth of peace and justice efforts are right here close to home and we need to raise awareness of these opportunities for activism;
    We are stronger when we work together and smarter when we learn from each other and
    The change that was exhibited at the polls last November can not manifest itself into progressive change for our communities unless we continue to move or push forward.

    ICJPE member groups posted an incredible 210 New Actions on the website in the last 12 months. However, these actions represent a fraction of the movement and actions that occur daily in our broader progressive community. This Conference/Exposition aims to reach out with invitations to underrepresented communities as well as to the environmental/sustainability movements to enrich and broaden our work.?

    We invite your input and involvement in the upcoming Conference:?
    Applications for Tables and/or booths (see below for details)
    Proposals for Working Groups that carry our vision and activism though the networks of communications to the corridors or power and into the streets. Deadline for Proposals is April 10th
    Send these suggestions to

    Please check out our website at to learn more about us and our many member groups. Our Structure and Statement of Values are accessible at Contact>About Us on the website or directly from this link: This is an ideal time to give us a first or another look.?

    Make plans to come to Chicago! We?ll see you soon

    Conference Details:

    Panelists - Friday, April 17 - 7pm
    RIANE EISLER is an eminent social scientist, attorney, and author best known for her bestseller The Chalice and The Blade: Our History, Our Future. Her newest book, The Real Wealth of Nations: Creating a Caring Economics ? proposes a new approach to economics that gives visibility and value to the most essential human work: the work of caring for people and planet.Her ideas have inspired thousands of scholars and social activists. Her pioneering work in human rights expanded the focus of international organizations to include the rights of women and children.
    DEAN BAKER is co-director of the Center for Economic and Policy Research in Washington, DC. He is frequently cited in economics reporting in major media outlets. He writes a weekly column for the Guardian Unlimited (UK), and his blog, Beat the Press, features commentary on economic reporting. His latest book, Plunder and Blunder: The Rise and Fall of the Bubble Economy (PoliPoint Press, 2009), which chronicles the growth and collapse of the stock and housing bubbles. He received his Ph.D in economics from the University of Michigan.
    ROBERT NAIMAN is Senior Policy Analyst at Just Foreign Policy. He edits the Just Foreign Policy daily news summary. He blogs on Huffington Post about U.S. foreign policy, with a particular focus on the Middle East, where he was a student at Birzeit University and a volunteer with Christian Peacemaker Teams and Voices in the?Wilderness. He has Masters degrees in Economics and Mathematics from the University of Illinois.

    Draft Agenda for Saturday, April 18?
    7:45 am - 8:30 am Registration/Welcome/Logistics
    Part I - Coalition Business
    8:30 am-9:50am Coalition Business Meeting

    Part II - Modules
    Modules will consist of four panelist/speakers with expertise/experience in their indicated subject areas. During the first hour, panelists will each make a presentation to the full conference.? During the second hour breakout sessions, conference attendees may choose which panelist to follow to ask questions or experience in depth discussion in a separate, smaller setting.

    10:00 am - 12:00 pm 1st Module - Sustainability?
    10:00 am - 11:00 am Panel - Sustainability
    11:00 am - 11:50 noon Breakout Sessions
    Dean Baker - The Economics of Sustainability
    Rich Whitney /Paula Bradshaw - Bioneers /Transportation
    Julie Samuels - Openlands Project
    Lili Molina - Little Village Environmental Justice Organization-Sustainable Community/Urban
    Beth Drucker -- Sustainable Community/suburban ?

    12:00 - 12:45 pm? Lunch

    12:45 - 2:45? 2nd Module - Peace?
    12:45 - 1:45 pm Panel
    1:45 - 2:35 pm 2nd Breakout sessions ?
    Jennifer Bing Canar - Middle East
    Eunice Escobar - Latin And Central America
    Robert Naiman - Just Foreign Policy
    4th panelist pending

    2:45 - 4:45? 3rd Module - Justice?
    2:45 - 3:45 Panel
    3:45 - 4:35 pm? Breakout sessions
    Joey Mogul - People?s Law Office
    UE or Republic Window Representative?
    Susan Compernolle - Immigration Rights?
    Brent Mesick - Civil Liberties/Constitution

    4:45 - 5:15 Full Assembly/Report back
    Final Announcements/Closing
    5:15pm-6:00pm Geographical/Issue Areas Organizing Meetings


    return by mail to ICJPE c/o Marcia Bernsten, 1213 Maple, Evanston, IL 60202?
    Please make checks payable to ICJPE or?
    Register online at
    Or email
    Return this form or register online by April 10 if possible.
    Admission will also be available at the door on a space available basis.





    Organization (if any):____________________________

    Is Organization a member of the ICJPE?____________ If not would you like it to be?

    If your organization is a member, who will pick up the voting cards for the business meeting on Saturday morning? _______________________

    ____ Enclosed is $10 for the Friday night panel

    ____Enclosed is $25 for the Saturday conference

    ____Enclosed is $15 for the Saturday conference student fee

    ____Enclosed is $10 for the Saturday lunch

    ____Enclosed is $45 for the whole conference lunch included


Note: Only a member of this blog may post a comment.